petite girls (5'3orunder) under 120lbs.



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I should clarify that at 5'2 and 112 is without working out for the past four months and "cheating" with eating out a lot more (and drinking :-/) then I normally would. I don't own a scale but when I am on my normal routine of working out and eating well I'm right around 100-105lbs. I once had gotten down to 92lbs but that was mostly due to stress. So my goal is just to get back to where I feel comfortable (100-105). I'm not necessarily trying to figure out what I can maintain, I've maintained 100-105 for a good portion of the last 7-8 years. I just want to meet some other active petite people so saying things like 105lb doesn't sound crazy.

    I completely understand that however as you get older your body DOES change and if you do workout you'll find that you're going to gain weight but it will be due to muscle. While I would love to get down to my goal of 108-110 since that's where I used to be years ago because I lift I know it will never happen.

    While you might not achieve the 105lbs that you want with regular exercise -- which includes lifting weights -- and a clean(er) diet you'll gain muscle and slim down even if the scale doesn't say you have.

    ETA: right now I'd be happy if I could get down to 115-113.

    I agree ^^^^

    I don't think it's "crazy" that you want to achieve 105 pounds but I think you might be too focused on a number and not on slimming down and toning up. You can drive yourself crazy with numbers on a scale. I just wanted to point out that while the number on my scale is larger than it used to be, I'm actually smaller and firmer - my thighs and hips both went down in inches because my body fat went way down. And I did this through weight training and less cardio.
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    5'2ish and im 124 and im pretty happy at this weight. I am very muscular and toned. As someone else stated the only way for me to get lower is to reduce my calories significantly and stop working out....I DONT WANT TO BE SKINNY, I WANT TO BE FIT.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    I am 5'3 and 127 lbs. I used to be 164. I really don't think I can be any under 125 lbs lol. I like muscles and I don't care about my weight anymore
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    I'm just under 5'1 and I weigh about 105 lbs, which I'm very happy with. I've been keeping track of calories for a long time but I recently switched to focusing on adding a lot more protein and lowering fat. I have also been doing insanity for the past 2 1/2 months. My weight has stayed the same but I can tell I have more muscle tone and a lot less fat. I'd recommend really trying to add protein and doing strength training!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, and at 18% bodyfat (I'm happy at that %). I have a very small frame. I've always been at this weight (I've even had two children). I am a dancer. I also lift weights 3 times a week. I eat around or over 2000 calories a day. I am firm, and I like my figure. There is no reason to assume that small people have cellulite or are unfit. There are all different ways to carry weight.

    Sounds like we might have a similiar body type. My weight also goes to my booty and thighs (but I like that).
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I should clarify that at 5'2 and 112 is without working out for the past four months and "cheating" with eating out a lot more (and drinking :-/) then I normally would. I don't own a scale but when I am on my normal routine of working out and eating well I'm right around 100-105lbs. I once had gotten down to 92lbs but that was mostly due to stress. So my goal is just to get back to where I feel comfortable (100-105). I'm not necessarily trying to figure out what I can maintain, I've maintained 100-105 for a good portion of the last 7-8 years. I just want to meet some other active petite people so saying things like 105lb doesn't sound crazy.

    I completely understand that however as you get older your body DOES change and if you do workout you'll find that you're going to gain weight but it will be due to muscle. While I would love to get down to my goal of 108-110 since that's where I used to be years ago because I lift I know it will never happen.

    While you might not achieve the 105lbs that you want with regular exercise -- which includes lifting weights -- and a clean(er) diet you'll gain muscle and slim down even if the scale doesn't say you have.

    ETA: right now I'd be happy if I could get down to 115-113.

    I agree ^^^^

    I don't think it's "crazy" that you want to achieve 105 pounds but I think you might be too focused on a number and not on slimming down and toning up. You can drive yourself crazy with numbers on a scale. I just wanted to point out that while the number on my scale is larger than it used to be, I'm actually smaller and firmer - my thighs and hips both went down in inches because my body fat went way down. And I did this through weight training and less cardio.

    For being a fitness site where you meet other people are expand knowledge some people seem to be VERY close minded. I have stated twice I don't even OWN a scale. So you thinking I may be too focused on a number are a little off. When I am working out, and living my life the way I normally do I weigh right around 100-105lb without trying for that number. 5 months ago I was 102lb and I was not too skinny or sick. I compleatly understand that some people at 5'2 look GREAT at 105, 110, or 115. It really depends on the body type.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, and at 18% bodyfat (I'm happy at that %). I have a very small frame. I've always been at this weight (I've even had two children). I am a dancer. I also lift weights 3 times a week. I eat around or over 2000 calories a day. I am firm, and I like my figure. There is no reason to assume that small people have cellulite or are unfit. There are all different ways to carry weight.

    Sounds like we might have a similiar body type. My weight also goes to my booty and thighs (but I like that).

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, and at 18% bodyfat (I'm happy at that %). I have a very small frame. I've always been at this weight (I've even had two children). I am a dancer. I also lift weights 3 times a week. I eat around or over 2000 calories a day. I am firm, and I like my figure. There is no reason to assume that small people have cellulite or are unfit. There are all different ways to carry weight.

    Sounds like we might have a similiar body type. My weight also goes to my booty and thighs (but I like that).


    Thank you also, for what you shared in this thread!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, and at 18% bodyfat (I'm happy at that %). I have a very small frame. I've always been at this weight (I've even had two children). I am a dancer. I also lift weights 3 times a week. I eat around or over 2000 calories a day. I am firm, and I like my figure. There is no reason to assume that small people have cellulite or are unfit. There are all different ways to carry weight.

    Sounds like we might have a similiar body type. My weight also goes to my booty and thighs (but I like that).

    I'm similar to this as well but my weight goes to my middle. I'm not a weight lifter though. I like cardio and do body weight exercises at home.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, and at 18% bodyfat (I'm happy at that %). I have a very small frame. I've always been at this weight (I've even had two children). I am a dancer. I also lift weights 3 times a week. I eat around or over 2000 calories a day. I am firm, and I like my figure. There is no reason to assume that small people have cellulite or are unfit. There are all different ways to carry weight.

    Sounds like we might have a similiar body type. My weight also goes to my booty and thighs (but I like that).

    I'm similar to this as well but my weight goes to my middle. I'm not a weight lifter though. I like cardio and do body weight exercises at home.

    I'm with ya! Love the "will run for wine" :)
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks! It's funny because it's true!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Also I'm just barely 5'2 if that. 5'4 and 100lbs is underweight I think

    Same here. I'm barely 5'2". And 100 pounds is underweight for someone that is 5'4".

    5'2" at 100 pounds is the same as 5'4" at 107 pounds.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    even girls that "lift" and maintain a slimmer figure are still around 98-105lbs. For example...

    Yep, this is just one of many examples!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I should clarify that at 5'2 and 112 is without working out for the past four months and "cheating" with eating out a lot more (and drinking :-/) then I normally would. I don't own a scale but when I am on my normal routine of working out and eating well I'm right around 100-105lbs. I once had gotten down to 92lbs but that was mostly due to stress. So my goal is just to get back to where I feel comfortable (100-105). I'm not necessarily trying to figure out what I can maintain, I've maintained 100-105 for a good portion of the last 7-8 years. I just want to meet some other active petite people so saying things like 105lb doesn't sound crazy.

    I completely understand that however as you get older your body DOES change and if you do workout you'll find that you're going to gain weight but it will be due to muscle. While I would love to get down to my goal of 108-110 since that's where I used to be years ago because I lift I know it will never happen.

    While you might not achieve the 105lbs that you want with regular exercise -- which includes lifting weights -- and a clean(er) diet you'll gain muscle and slim down even if the scale doesn't say you have.

    ETA: right now I'd be happy if I could get down to 115-113.

    I agree ^^^^

    I don't think it's "crazy" that you want to achieve 105 pounds but I think you might be too focused on a number and not on slimming down and toning up. You can drive yourself crazy with numbers on a scale. I just wanted to point out that while the number on my scale is larger than it used to be, I'm actually smaller and firmer - my thighs and hips both went down in inches because my body fat went way down. And I did this through weight training and less cardio.

    For being a fitness site where you meet other people are expand knowledge some people seem to be VERY close minded. I have stated twice I don't even OWN a scale. So you thinking I may be too focused on a number are a little off. When I am working out, and living my life the way I normally do I weigh right around 100-105lb without trying for that number. 5 months ago I was 102lb and I was not too skinny or sick. I compleatly understand that some people at 5'2 look GREAT at 105, 110, or 115. It really depends on the body type.

    Not being closed minded at all, just sharing experiences, I've been both places.

    Why do you say you are not focused on a number but you keep reiterating that you want to be 99-106 pounds? And that you don't want to sound crazy for wanting to be at that weight? I said it is fine that you want to weigh that, I was just pointing out that you might not be 100% happy just because you are that weight and not to worry about it so much.

    Be whatever weight you want. If you don't own a scale I guess you won't know how much you weigh anyway so why don't you focus on being healthy and looking great? Makes sense to me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Personally, I never had a goal weight. I just ate at maintenance (or more), lifted weights and was active.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I'm pretty sure everyone's goal here is to be healthy and fit (or maintain). The 100-105 is to give people an idea for what healthy and fit is for me. It has nothing to do with the number. I've been healthy and active 95% of my life and I happen to know whats where I end up weight wise.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm pretty sure everyone's goal here is to be healthy and fit (or maintain). The 100-105 is to give people an idea for what healthy and fit is for me. It has nothing to do with the number. I've been healthy and active 95% of my life and I happen to know whats where I end up weight wise.

    Yeah, I understand!

    100 pounds is my usual weight, up to 105 still looks great, above that and more towards 110 is a weight gain for me (such as pregnancy related).

    And yeah, people's concept of what 100 pounds looks like (on someone short enough to weigh that) is different from the reality on a small framed, fit person.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    And the reason I say I dont want to sound crazy saying that is because most people at a normal height think 100lb-105lb for a grown adult seems crazy. But fellow petite people know its not.

    Here's a REAL shocker... my husband who is very active and fit weighs 126-132lb at MOST. To most men that would sound "crazy".
  • paoha
    paoha Posts: 2 Member
    As a 5'2"er who used to be about 110 and is now about 100, I can say that I'm enjoying working out (running in particular) at my lighter weight. Trying to incorporate some more strength training and flexibility work but mostly just running 4 miles a day for my work commute and keeping up with my young kids.

    Logging my food through MFP helps me eat healthier, not just less.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well.