I need opinions on strength training



  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Other poster have given you the right advice. Personally, when I see a fat person in the weight room and lifting with all their might, I'm impressed and I respect them. Most everyone will feel this way. There might be a couple meatheads but don't worry about them.

    ^Exactly this!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Being too embarrassed to exercise was a big contributing factor to me getting so big in the first place. Just pretend you're not afraid for now and go do it. Incidentally, almost all the weight lifting guys are very helpful and friendly. I've only been laughed at in the gym once, and that was by two bros curling in the squat rack while screaming theatrically. You tell me which is more embarrassing.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    From another woman that was 240 and totally intimidated when I started, my advice is those dvd's will do you just fine starting out.

    You will see you body shape change if you follow them religiously.

    I would also recommend getting a stability ball and looking up some core strenthening moves online and adding them to your workout as well. Build that core strength and confidence first then go for the heavy stuff.

    Any exercise is better than no exercise and you have to progress with what you are comfy with.

    I actually hired a personal trainer that works out of a private gym. I am much more comfortable working on him in a small environment one on one. Everyone there is working with a trainer when they workout and into their own thing and really don't care what you are doing. That's pretty much true for a regular gym too though.

    Again, do what you are comfortable with and know you can stick to till you are ready to move out of your comfort zone :)

    Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    First off, if you are paying for a gym membership and want to lift weights, I say go for it. So you are not in perfect shape right now. Think how impressed the regulars will be as they see you progress!!

    BUT, if you don't want to lift weights, you can improve your BF% without it. I dropped my BF% and gained muscle using Turbo Fire and calisthenics. I was not trying to lose weight, so eating to maintain.

    If I can gain muscle, then a similar type workout should work to help you maintain muscle and improve strength. I've never tried the JM workouts so I can comment on it.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    I think any program is good if you do it...however...

    You have every right to be in the gym. You have every right to claim your space in this world and do what you need to do for YOU. So my real advice (and a little tough love) would be to suck it up, Buttercup...hold your pretty head up high, march into your gym, and get your lift on... Don't let ANYONE stop you from becoming the woman you want to be. :flowerforyou:

    I agree. I pretty much did this when I looked like a 186lb sack of potatoes. No one cared and I didn't care about the few who might have been cruel (I don't know, didn't notice). But a wonderful thing happened as I started losing weight. Almost everyone noticed and many made it a point to compliment me. The negatives didn't stop me but the compliments do propel me.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I understand exactly how you feel, and I still remember how nervous I was when I first started lifting in the gym. It's hard, it's usually a male dominated area, and as a female this can be intimidating. It's ok for us that already lift in the gym to say just get in there and do it because we know it's easy once you start, but....taking that initial leap can be scary as hell. But hey, these guys are right....you just need to take that first step, get under a barbell and do it. I promise you the second visit will be a million times better than the first and you will be so glad you did it after a few months when you see the results you get. Good luck xxx
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    If you are that uncomfortable, why not hire a trainer at your gym and tell him/her what your goals are. Do NOT let them tell you that cardio is the answer...if they do, find another trainer. A trainer might help you overcome your fears until you are ready and 'comfortable' enough to go at it alone. Whatever you do, don't give up and get in there DO IT!

    Go get'em girl!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    At the gym I go to there are overweight men and women doing strength training. No one pays attention to anyone. We are all too busy killing our own selves with whatever routine we have. Get over it. If you're serious about losing weight this will help. People will only comment if they see you doing well.
  • GunflintCamper
    I agree on getting over your feelings and just working out at the gym....however I DID NOT agree not so long ago.

    And then I read this:


    Changed my whole perspective. 80 pounds ago, I was the fat girl...and now I am not. (Well still a little chubby!) And I see fat girls at the gym and they make me want to show up the next day!!

    I am proud of myself...and I am now proud of them.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    I totally understand what you are talking about. It can be embarassing to bust out squats and whatnot and notice your rolls are showing. What helps me is to psych myself out. Concentrate on your form and how awesome your muscles feel while you are lifting. Tune out everything else. If you do this you will get more out of your workout and won't be thinking of how you look so much.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I understand where you’re coming from. Lifting with the boys is intimidating and I won’t do it. I have heavy weights at home, and just began ChaLEAN Extreme which is a 90 day program that focuses on 3 days a week lifting, 2 days cardio plus some abs and yoga for good measure. The premise for the first month is to lift heavy enough to reach 10 reps but not be able to do more than 12 reps. Focus is on form and gaining strength. The next month is lifting even heavier but not being able to go past 6 reps. I’m on week 3 of the first month now and chose this program as it was highly recommended to me by someone who has had great success with it. I’ve already lost 3 1bs and a few inches throughout my body. LOVE it! If you want more info, or would like to order it, PM me. I can refer you to the person I ordered it from and I got a bonus TurboFire, resistance band and other goodies thrown in.