Too fat for summer

vilya Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I have battled wright ever since my last two years of high school, and I would like to finally get it under control before I turn 30. Last year I actually lost 36 lbs...but gained it all back in six months...I know I should be in the record books. I am an emotional...boredom eater. I don't even think my body knows what it feels like to be hungry. I don't give it the chance. I just eat to eat. Like it's some kind of hobby. I have two little boys...and would like to be friends with some people who know how busy and challenging that can be. Good luck to you all.


  • I have the same issues with food...or else I seem to just not eat, which of course isn't good for my body either.I lost all 25lbs I gained w/ my daughter after having her almost 4yrs ago...I did really good at keeping my wieght pretty steady and moving down a few pounds every couple months until about a year and a half ago.I'm just now really trying to get myself back into working out and being more active.Summer is coming and I wanna feel more comfortable in summer clothes....specially since we're getting ready to move to Southern Arizona where it's nice and hot!!
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Im with you and I know the crazyness of kids. I have two little girls under the age of 5, And they keep me busy. Feel free to add me as a friend I always love having more people who have the same goals as me.
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