insanity and asylum no weight loss

Hello I am hoping someone can help me. I started insanity while my husband was away ( army) and lost a Significant amount of weight and inches however when he returned between vacation and lounging around gained it back and then some. I started doing insanity again 1 round with my husband and then started asylum immediately after. I'm almost done with asylum now and still at the same weight and no inches lost. You can check out my diary I followed the meal plans of insanity and mixed in some of asylums meals. I don't usually cheat but I did on st patty's day and went all out lol. I know I don't eat enough calories but find It hard to stomach so much good and don't like eating when not hungry. The only other thing I can think of is that I tend to have a snack quite late (10pmish) when I get home from work typically a half cup of cover one unsweetened and a half cup of sunflower milk or soy milk unsweetened.