Coconut butter??

swall13 Posts: 19 Member
I have heard some talk of this but am not really sure how to use it or what it is.
Is it sweet? I thought of maybe getting it to put in my oatmeal as I usually add some almond butter to it but I am not sure.


  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Not really sweet, no, but utterly delicious.

    Never would have thought to put it in oatmeal, but I know it goes delicious with bananas and dark chocolate.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I put a teaspoon of coconut butter in my oatmeal every morning. I love it, it's not sweet, but it makes the oatmeal out of this world! I think the reports on coconut oil's health benefits are mixed (some say good, some say not so good), but I don't care because I love it (in moderation).
  • rosered93
    rosered93 Posts: 69 Member
    If you're interested in making it, just buy dessicated, unsweetened coconut and throw it in a food processor or, if you have one, Vita-Mix (don't try using a generic blender, it's not powerful enough). Scrape down the sides periodically, but basically just let it run until it becomes a smooth butter.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I bought a coconut honey butter that I used in an oatmeal cookie recipe and its amazing. I substituted across the board for the butter the recipe called for, but I added 1/4c applesauce and a TBsp agave. The one I have is sweet, since it has the honey in it.