Went hog wild yesterday...

Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't know what's wrong with me. I was doing really great for nearly 4 weeks, seeing results, feeling good... and then on Sunday, I took my sister-in-law out to her choice restaurant - Chipotle Grill - to thank her for something, and since then I've completely disregarded everything... tracking calories and no exercise. Yesterday, I felt like complete garbage - like the fast food had affected my body really badly. I virtually NEVER eat fast food. I can literally count on 3 fingers (well, 4 now) the times I've eaten fast food in the past decade - seriously.

I still feel like trash... like I'm hungover, and have no motivation to get back on track. I'm going to push myself back on track today, but honestly, I feel nauseous - dehydrated. Disgusting. And Chipotle Grill isn't even as bad as McDs.

What is happening to me? Ugh...


  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    It sounds like your body is used to being healthy and hit it with a whammy of crap food - brush yourself off and move on. It's ok to fall off the wagon once in a while - just remember how you feel right now and realize this is why you eat healthy and exercise. Don't be so hard on yourself
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    we all go off the wagon and you need to, its human and okay. Just get back on, your body will forgive you quickly
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    we all go off the wagon and you need to, its human and okay. Just get back on, your body will forgive you quickly
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I agree with hamiltonba. Just shake it off and get back on track.

    I wish I could say I only had fast food 4 times in the past decade. That's awesome!
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    FIRST-identify your weakness: Mine is sugar! Sugar is my drug. I too have been doing really well with eating healthy and staying away from Sugar. I went to Golden Coral and thought I would just sample the desserts. Well, that is all she wrote. The next thing I know I’m back to grabbing candy bars and gummy bears. I too felt like crap, but the outcome was, I now know what my body "drug" is.

    I'd have to say eating at Chipotle isn't bad at all. With said, that's eating a bowl meal. The burrito alone is 300 calories. Could it be that Carbs might be your drug? From that moment on you seem to go downhill. Fast food is full of Carbs and Sugar> Just a thought.

    The fact is you realize it- so that is the beginning of finding what your body/mind was feeling it was missing. That is your "drug”. Then you know to stay far from it until you can gain control. I hope this helps you! You can do it. Today is a new day!!
  • Please get yourself back on track as soon as you can, don't make the same mistakes as I have made. I lost all my pregnancy weight and was feeling and looking good, and was eating so well and exercising regularly for over 2 months. Then at my daughters birthday party, there was a lot of food and pressure to eat it, and I went off the rails. This was 7 weeks ago and I still haven't got back on track and I have put 14 pounds back on - I am so disgusted in myself, but I feel as you describe - exhausted and dehydrated - no matter how much I drink. I am determined to get on track again - this is why I have joined this site - WE CAN DO IT!!

    Good luck
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    My downfall is ice cream, but i'm guessing it's more broadly carbs. And I didn't get the bowl... I got the burrito - cut it in 1/2, ate 1/2 at the restaurant, like a good calorie counter would. Went home and ate the other 1/2 unnecessarily... That was 1169 calories! I acted crazy and went for a jog to "make up for it," in which I went too full-force and became even more sick. So I scrapped my whole diet and pigged out on 2, yes 2, bowls of ice cream, chocolate sauce, peanut butter and whipped cream. Then yesterday, just let it all go to hell again...

    Thanks for the kind words of support. I'm back on track so far today, but tonight.... I know those mega ice cream cravings are coming. I'm going grocery shopping this afternoon, and will get strawberries - they usually help.
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