Kind of new and a fresh start

I created my profile on this site a long time ago and didn't use it because I ended up using another page. However, I found their food database lacking and the support community was pretty quiet.

I started my journey at 196 pounds after quitting smoking. I had always promised myself that I would never let myself get over 200 pounds so hitting 196 was a wake up call for me.

I started out pretty suddenly and I think that was the mistake I made. I cut out soda entirely after drinking 6+ sodas per day for as long as I could remember. I stopped eating sweets when I have a love for chocolate and I started working out 5 days a week. I don't even know how long I lasted on that but I lost 16 pounds before I got sick and stopped caring about any of it at all. I went back to drinking soda and eating out every day. I also stopped walking every day or going to the gym. I ended up gaining 10 pounds back.

So here I am, ready to start again. I am doing it a little slower this time by cutting my soda down each day (I'm down to 1-2 a day currently and my goal is to be off soda by Monday).

I wanted to say hi and see if anyone who is serious about this process would like to be my friend. I'd rather not have a bunch of friends that never update or provide encouragement. I'd like to have that encouragement and give it as well. Both help me stay focused. :)


  • ChristinaK69
    Hey, you can add me as a friend. I'm here every day. I'll support you in any way I can.

    Yes, going cold turkey on something's will come back to bite you or taking on too much can back fire and burn you out. I'm glad you didn't give up