HELP required. disheartened and surgery cancelled.

Hi All.
My name is D. I'm a 41 yo mum in Perth West Australia, struggling with my weight (100kg 169cmm). I have been using a home delivery meal service for the last 7 weeks (1500cal / day) and walking 4-5 km 3-4 times a week ( Major knee surgery in September 2012) . Problem. I haven't lost any real weight. 300 grams, not really sufficient for the time and changes made.

I've been to the doctor who has done blood tests, results = nothing, no diabetes, no hormone issue, thyroid function normal.

Next step 6 weeks 1200 cal / day NO CARBS. (Starts next Saturday after another blood test.) 1 meal per day to be substituted for a protein shake.

Anybody know of a protein shake that's no carb available in Perth that tastes half way decent?

I need to reduce my weight as I need further knee surgery but the surgeon has now refused until I lose some... ( I weighed 100kg at the time of the initial surgery)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • coffeepuff
    coffeepuff Posts: 13 Member
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    Hi All.
    My name is D. I'm a 41 yo mum in Perth West Australia, struggling with my weight (100kg 169cmm). I have been using a home delivery meal service for the last 7 weeks (1500cal / day) and walking 4-5 km 3-4 times a week ( Major knee surgery in September 2012) . Problem. I haven't lost any real weight. 300 grams, not really sufficient for the time and changes made.

    I've been to the doctor who has done blood tests, results = nothing, no diabetes, no hormone issue, thyroid function normal.

    Next step 6 weeks 1200 cal / day NO CARBS. (Starts next Saturday after another blood test.) 1 meal per day to be substituted for a protein shake.

    Anybody know of a protein shake that's no carb available in Perth that tastes half way decent?

    I need to reduce my weight as I need further knee surgery but the surgeon has now refused until I lose some... ( I weighed 100kg at the time of the initial surgery)

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Is your doctor putting you on the protein diet?

    If so, he should recommend one. Will probably be Optifast, but ask him.

    If this is your plan independent of him, I'd say firstly, keep doing what you're doing - log your calories (I can't see if you are, your diary is locked). Make sure you really are eating 1500. Secondly, I'd ask your doctor directly to see a clinical dietitian (not a 'nutritionist' from the health food store, gack!).

    Also, I agree with the sodium assessment, it's possible you have lost fat but are keeping on water weight. Have your measurements changed?

    Can you work with a physio to get exercises that you can do?

    Good luck, I struggle with an injury, so I feel for you.

    Edited to add: Do you have private healthcover or are you relying on Medicare? I only ask because your private would cover some of this. (Note to Americans - not the same as your Medicare.)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi, sounds like a real struggle for you and I've been there.

    At my heaviest weight I was 104kg. I am currently 78kg and my goal is about 60kg. I'm going to get there before Christmas this year. No doubt about it.

    Something that has helped me enormously has been listening to podcasts to get my mind on track. I started with Fat2FitRadio, and more recently have been listening to the Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor. This has changed my life. I also bought his book on Kindle. He's American and his co-host was from UK, but even for us Aussies, it's terrific!

    You mentioned giving up carbs. Giving up starchy carbs and sweets is beneficial, but you'll still need to eat non starchy vegetables for nutritional benefit and fibre.

    My advice: go to and work out your TDEE. Subtract 300-500 from that number and that is your daily calorie allowance. Use MFP to track your food every day. Every single day.

    Listen to the Smarter Science of Slim.

    Eat lean protein, non starchy vegetables, berries and citrus fruits, good fats, low fat cottage cheese and low fat plain Greek yoghurt, drink lots of water. Cook your own food, fresh food is always better than packaged. Plus, you know what's in it. Have a look in my food diary if you need ideas, I tend to eat much the same thing, but you'll get the idea.

    If your knee allows, walk 30 minutes every day. Or do some walking in water or swimming if the knee is troubling you.

    Include some resistance training, you don't have to turn into a gym bunny, just turn your muscles on. The podcast will tell you what to do and it's only twice a week.

    Make friends on MFP who have common goals and interests and FOCUS on what you want. Keep your eyes on the prize.

    Best wishes, you CAN do this.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    At 100kg, you could probably cut more than 300-500 cals, but I'd start with 500 cals cut and see how you go. maybe ask your dr or see a dietician.

    Oh and on the protein shake, I get mine from ASN, they have an online shop. Get one high in protein and low carb, don't worry too much about the fat. I use Gen-Tec Pro-Lean Vanilla and it is delicious just with water. I'm not a fan of using it to replace a meal though. Just eat the above foods and you will be satisfied and eating real food.

  • Are the Atkins shakes available there? They're not too bad. I did low carb for the first month the get jump started and then slowly added back in carbs be cause I need them for my workouts. It worked pretty well. Just beware that the first week SUCKS. You will feel terrible for a few days, but hang in there.... breaking the Carb addiction is very very liberating. Its been 2 months now and I could take them or leave them now.
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    That is a rough spot- and lower body injuries/difficulties certainly make it really hard to move to lose weight. Those delivered meals seem to be enough of a deficit to move the scale some- but like a previous poster said they could be pretty high in sodium- and cause some water retention which wouldn't help the direction of the scale.

    I confess that metric measurements and I don't get along so well so I'm not sure I'm following so closely. Have you googled some chair exercises that you could to supplement the low calories with some exercise? Off the top of my head I'm coming up w/ bicep curls, shoulder and overhead presses. But I'm thinking someone more creative than me could come up with some.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Is your doctor prescribing the 1200 calorie diet?

    According to this site ( ), if you are moderately active for 3-5 hours a week you burn around 2600 calories daily on average. If you're only eating 1500 the weight should be coming off... unless you are adding additional foods you're not accounting for. If that's not it, then you may have such a deep deficit that your body is undertaking changes in your hormones and metabolic function and not allowing you to burn fat properly.

    You could lose better by eating more.

    Now, I don't recommend you go against your doctor's orders, but if it's your own imposed 1200 calorie diet I actually suggest you go the other way... try 1800 calories/day for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

    EDITED TO ADD: We are about the same height and when I came to MFP I weighed about 82 kg and was able to eat 1660 calories + all my exercise calories. I was losing weight quite quickly at that amount. You could probably eat 2000 or so and lose. I think 1200 is going to make things worse for you.
  • lilbodes
    lilbodes Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks all for your replies. A few answers...
    1200 cal is from the doctor, after we have tried doing the Lite n Easy home delivered 1500cal / day.

    I have not eaten anything extra than what they provide, although their menu does contain alot of carbs, (bread, potato, pasta and corn there is heaps of the stuff!).

    I add no salt to anything , mother has kidney issues so we have never used salt, the L N E food generally doesn't taste salty a few snack like the popcorn are, I simply pop my own and substitute it (same weight)

    I did the TDEE calc and without any exercise it suggests I need over 2000 cal per day.

    Seriously I have no idea what is happening but definitely getting very down. I've even given up drinking not that I was a go get smashed kinda girl but I do enjoy a bourbon once or twice a week(no coke just on the rocks figured it saved a few calories ?? wishfully anyway!)

    Thanks for your suggestions and good wishes, am crossing my fingers that the GP has something up her sleeve, and the next 6 weeks sees some kind of body reset. I will have a look at your suggestions as I have time, quite a busy week ahead, I have been and purchased my protein shake in readyness for next weekend. Easter great time to start I wont be tepted by the chockies in the fridge. THIS IS NOW BEYOND ACCEPTABLE. I WILL DO THIS
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member

    Just a thought but have you logged what is being delivered to you??

    Just once, to see if it's actually 1500 calories??

    Just that lots of Carbs and 1500 cals don't gel well in my mind??

    I am sure it's fine though, personally I would want to check.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    The way i lost weight was 1200 a day with Lots of fibre eg. Brown rice, weetbix, veg. Ate the recommended 5 veg 2 fruit. And milk and protein. I always drink a lot of water. Excersise 3 days per week. Limited junk food. It took about 4 weeks to see progress but then it peeled off quickly. Michelle bridges has excellent books eg crunchtime food cookbook and she recommends 1200 a day