low protein, high calories

I have just stared this week, I am having problems sticking within the protein limits but still get enough calories - I can't keep toping up with wine, can some one please give me some tips.
I think I have made my diary accessible, I have put in the food I plan to eat for the next week (as I need to plan shopping for the whole family, and I find life less hectic this way! - I should stick to it!).
Thanks, for your suggestions


  • If you are eating lean protein, tuna and such, I wouldnt worry about going over on proteins.
  • mamatummy
    mamatummy Posts: 4 Member
    I only eat white meat and fish, trying to stick within the protein limits is very tricky, are you going by just calories, or any of the other measurements?
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    MFP protein level is notoriously too low! An active person should have a lot more than it originally recommends so don't worry about being over! A lot of people manually set their macros at 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein depending on individual goals, I suggest doing some research on it, there are lots of previous threads on the topic and a lot of options but you really can't screw up getting too much protein. =)
  • mamatummy
    mamatummy Posts: 4 Member
    OMG, just read a previous thread on MACROs and now I am totally baffled! Guess I shouldn't try and understand it after a large glass of wine :laugh: