I need a new routine!

My only way of exercise right now is 30 mins elliptical, 20 mins tread mill, and at the end 10 mins bike. This gets soooo boring! I feel like exercising has now became a job :/
Anybody have any ideas on what I should incorporate in my exercise routine to spice it up?
What do you do?


  • sanibelshell
    sanibelshell Posts: 23 Member
    Do you listen to your favorite music while working out? Gets me through exercise.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    Google Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer. It's a 3 month program and it changes weekly. It's awesome - I never had a dull day doing it!
  • cam92460
    cam92460 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a cyclist and can ride for hours outside but get crazy bored trying to use machines at the gym. Even good music can't break the boredom inside for me. My son suggested watching movies via netflix on my phone. I haven't tried it yet--we just talked about it tonight--but I thought I'd pass it on.
  • On the treadmill I walk 2 minutes, then run 1 minute, and repeat for 30 min total. It definitely gets my heart rate up and doesn't get me bored from walking on the treadmill the whole time.

    Before I workout I like to do some stretches, jumping jacks, squats, and lunges. You could do squats and lunges with weights too :)

    Do you go to the gym or do you just exercise at home? If you go to the gym I'd recommend doing some resistance training.

    I like to do the treadmill, bike, and elliptical stuff first and then work on toning my arms and legs with the equipment they have at the gym.

    You could also try using a medicine mall to do some exercises :)

    I've found some cool ideas for workouts/exercises to do with a chair (makes it easy for me since I don't really have any exercise equipment available at home). You can YOUTUBE ideas or Google them as well.

    Hope that helps!
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    How about just doing something different? I think your ridigity to your routine is your enemy.

    It doesn't really matter WHAT you do. Just get out there and move for that one hour. Go DO something. Anything. Play basketball. Run. Climb a tree. Jump rope. Ride a bicycle. Paddle a kayak. Do any of those things, or all of them. Just MOVE.

    I get bored like that too. I decided "a long time ago" that I was going to commit to just moving 2hrs, straight, 3x a week. What I do, doesn't matter. I mix and match all those things. Sometimes, I just walk up and down stairs for 15 minutes, or walk, or swim.

    Just MOVE.

    It's worked for me pretty well.

  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    If you have iPhone or a Droid the app Zombies, Run! is a lot of fun. You don't have to be running. I listen to it on the elliptical all the time, you just can't do the zombie chases's part. The story is still fun!

    Another thing I've found that helps using the programs on the treadmill and elliptical. It keeps you from getting in too much of a monotonous pace.

    This is how I'm getting through training for my second half-marathon (walking it) during the winter that *will not end*!! lol Every week I plan to do my long walk outside and it snows. Again. *sigh* I have to do 9 miles this Sunday. On a treadmill. And my pace is so sloooooow. :grumble:
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    How about taking up a sports based hobby?? My wife runs partly because she can go anywhere and have a different run, plus there are all the races and the social aspect of training in a club. I do Aikido because the variety of different movements is almost infinite so every session is different. Or just mix things up a bit!!
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I workout at home with jillian michaels. I also started couch to 5k. Try making a really good music playlist and doing intervals. DO strength training also!
  • You're absolutely right! I started jogging with my dog in the mornings and that has helped me get out of that stuffy gym.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    WHy not stay on one machine or the other the whole time and add in hills and sprints? If you can't do weights, how about doing some bodyweight stuff in between like planks, squats, lunges, etc.?