Finishing JM Body Revolution - next program?

I'm on my second round of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and in week 9 so I only have three weeks of the program left. I absolutely love it. I've gotten great results and I love that it's short (30 minutes) but I feel like I get a really good workout in...but I'm looking for a change.

I am SAHM to 3 year old twins so I don't have the time or energy for anything longer than, say 45 minutes. I did P90X a few years ago and liked it but I didn't get the results others seem to have gotten. Right now I'm debating between TurboFire and Les Mills Combat. I'm looking to lose some weight (maybe 5 pounds) but mostly I want to continue toning for a leaner look. TurboFire sounds great but I'm concerned about the lack of strength training. Any thoughts?

I would love some advice or suggestions. I don't technically have to do a set program, as I have a large assortment of various workout DVDs, but I seem to do better when I know there is a set end point so I prefer something that is for 60 days or 12 weeks or something along those lines.

This is my first time posting so please excuse my ramblings!