Well, I'm back.

I did this about two years ago, but halfway through my journey a divorce and a lot of other hell completely derailed me. I gained every pound back, then Re-lost 5 before I even remembered my old pal MFP. This time, I can do it. But a little help would be appreciated. The thing that does me most good is knowing that I'm not he only one out there who's done this to themselves and is trying to find the right track.

For those of you who do a little screening: I'm a single mom from Texas, mid-twenties, looking to live past my 60th birthday. I've never been thin and I never plan to be. I plan to lose at least 75 lbs to reach max healthy. It would be more, but I wanna build some muscle too. Cuz a strong,lean woman is just plain hot. My weapons of choice are Zumba and p90. And once I've lost part of the weight and gotten the strain off my weak ankles, I'm gonna take up running again too. I miss running.

Anyways, looking for some pple, some friends, some mutual encouragement.


  • Thanks for adding me!

    I started on here a while ago but today is my first day back on OFFICIALLY :)

    I am also looking to live past my 60th birthday, I've never been thin, and I also want to build muscle