Purging After Eating



  • courtneynicole619
    courtneynicole619 Posts: 25 Member
    It is not good, even a few times is very bad. If you cheat on your diet go for a walk to burn off the calories.
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    We all struggle. Food is everywhere. Don't feel ashamed, but u must realize that this will ONLY lead to failure and damage. You're better then that.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Omg... no. No good. Is this for real?? Control yourself and stop.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I try very hard to stay within my nutritional goals each day, as we all do. I always go over my sugar grams, because I drink a lot of Lactaid FF milk.

    Over the past several weeks, if I've eaten something really fattening I'll throw up. I have this major "fiendish" feeling sometimes and I'll go get something really sweet, last week was a secret trip to Luby's for lemon ice box pie. I bought and ate 2 in the parking lot, then came straight home and threw up.

    Guess I just wanted to let someone know.

    Hey, welcome to bulimia. I did that for 10 years many moons ago.

    Go see a counselor and get your head straightened out. You have bigger issues than calories and food.
  • pterradactyl
    No no no, please stop. It's honestly a lot better to go over the cals and try to do better the next time. You really don't want to start that up as a habit, and even a few times can leave you with injuries. Try to get help if you are struggling on your own. Good luck!
  • col443
    col443 Posts: 17
    You need to find a counselor pronto. First off you stated that you are taking secret trips to go and buy food to binge. Then you are purging. This is the start of an eating disorder. Please, tell someone close to you that you trust and get some help.
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    it's very violent on your body and what starts off as "once in awhile after I'm too full/something fattening" quickly becomes "why not after every meal? I'll lose weight faster" but your teeth will rot out because of the stomach acid, your electrolytes can become unbalanced, which can lead to kidney problems, heart problems ... and you don't have to be doing it for very long to have bad things happen. A girl I know who was doing it for only a few months died due to complications with her heart. :( And that's just what it does to you physically. I've heard the mental strain is agony.

    I actually think it's a good sign you wanted to tell someone, even a forum. I think you can sense that yeah, it's kind of a big deal. I know everyone else has said this already, but If you can't stop please tell someone and/or get help.
  • pinkcloudrising
    You said, "Guess I just wanted to let someone know." Thank you for sharing this with me. You are very brave to give this secret away. Bulimia is when you eat a large amount of food and throw it up using fingers, objectives such as spoons, or syrup of ipecac, use a laxative or a device induce a bowel movement. I was bulimic for years and it is one of the most devastating of the eating disorders. On top of the rapid physical decline, It is humiliating on an incomprehensible level -- sticking your face in a toilet bowl (sometimes public toilets) willingly. I would not wish bulimia on my worse most hated enemy it is that serious.

    What is really going on with you? Bulimia isn't really about weight control or losing weight. It might seem that it is but it is not. It is about emotional release. It is about self-punishment and denial. It is violent and punishing -- physically, mentally and spiritually. The large amounts of food cover up feelings. You are literally stuffing feelings, pushing them down by putting as much food as you can on top of them. But feelings always find a way to come out. So you get into this cycle of having the feelings and you start eating and soon you have to eat more and more food in order to keep those feelings at bay, and then you have to get rid of it -- binging and purging.

    If you are willing, there are Overeaters Anonymous meetings near where you live. They are also online meetings. Please attend these meetings and connect with other bulimics who are struggling with it and / or recovering from it. It can be done, no matter how far you are into the cycle.

    I'll keep you in the light of the spirit over the next few days. May you find peace now.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hope you stop and find something else to calm how you feel. (If that's it)

    I went through a VERY devastating time in my life and when this thing happened, I couldn't eat due to nerves and when I DID eat I felt sick and would stand in the bathroom WAITING to throw up. Finally I made myself and felt so much better, this made me feel like I had control in a time I had no control of anything and I was in a very very bad place. This led to me trying to make myself throw up to feel even an ounce of power/feel good feelings. This lasted only about 2 weeks but it was snowballing QUICK. I pulled myself out of it when I went to my moms for a weekend. I am so glad I did. It's pretty scary!
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    Thanks everyone...I plan to get help. Didn't know it could really hurt you so bad.

    I didn't see this post, it makes me happy to hear this. :smile:
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    No one on an internet forum can give you the advice you need.

    Neither you nor anyone on here can diagnose you. Please seek a healthcare professional regarding this matter.
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    What you have would be considered Bulimia nervosa. The average person might not even realize they have an eating disorder because these problems start so "innocently". Eating disorders can start from counting calories if you're not careful!! Bulimia is a serious eating disorder that can be very very bad if you don't get help. And trust me, it's so much easier to treat it now than if you leave it. If you don't find someone to help you, there are so many good books out there. People who have bulimia nervosa routinely "binge," consuming large amounts of food in a very short period of time, and immediately "purge," ridding their bodies of the just-eaten food by self-inducing vomiting, taking enemas, or other medications. If left untreated, bulimia nervosa can lead to serious and even life-threatening problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, heart damage, kidney damage, injury to all parts of the digestive system, and severe dental damage.
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    Im so glad you were able to help yourself! How scary. It can snowball soooo fast.
    Hope you stop and find something else to calm how you feel. (If that's it)

    I went through a VERY devastating time in my life and when this thing happened, I couldn't eat due to nerves and when I DID eat I felt sick and would stand in the bathroom WAITING to throw up. Finally I made myself and felt so much better, this made me feel like I had control in a time I had no control of anything and I was in a very very bad place. This led to me trying to make myself throw up to feel even an ounce of power/feel good feelings. This lasted only about 2 weeks but it was snowballing QUICK. I pulled myself out of it when I went to my moms for a weekend. I am so glad I did. It's pretty scary!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    That's just the start. You can eat a slice sometimes but don't binge and purge. It's detrimental to your health. If you need to talk, please contact me.
  • Thepinkdaisy
    Never mind. I decided it isn't best to publicly share my experience on this.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Oh lord *sigh* I am 38...I have struggled with ana/mia since I was 16/17. I am 3 years into totally symptom free from ED everything.

    Please DO NOT purge after eating. I have worn down teeth (front ones) which are weakened and still chipping off due to stomach acid and bile wearing them away. It is not that noticeable to the untrained eye, but dentists notice right away (they presume teeth grinding).

    This is how the disorder begins, oh a little won't hurt. It is still extremely disordered thought and action. Stop it while you can and just log the over eating and try and re-assess why you need to eat the excess. (are you eating enough? are you allowing yourself some chocolate and sweets, etc?) Dieting and fat loss/weight loss does not have to be a punishment. Letting this disordered thinking and action continue will be a lifelong punishment, believe me, and others that have responded, I have not read all the replies, this topic upset me too much...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Is this Bulimia? I thought a few times wouldn't hurt, especially if it's something so fattening?

    It can very well develop into it. As someone who was bulimic for a long time, it's not worth it. I have had terrible fainting/seizure-like episodes because of what I was doing to my body. You don't want that. If you eat something sweet, then make up for it by doing a workout or have a serving size of something sweet so you don't feel deprived.

    Just don't develop an eating disorder. Please.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    You said, "Guess I just wanted to let someone know." Thank you for sharing this with me. You are very brave to give this secret away. Bulimia is when you eat a large amount of food and throw it up using fingers, objectives such as spoons, or syrup of ipecac, use a laxative or a device induce a bowel movement. I was bulimic for years and it is one of the most devastating of the eating disorders. On top of the rapid physical decline, It is humiliating on an incomprehensible level -- sticking your face in a toilet bowl (sometimes public toilets) willingly. I would not wish bulimia on my worse most hated enemy it is that serious.

    What is really going on with you? Bulimia isn't really about weight control or losing weight. It might seem that it is but it is not. It is about emotional release. It is about self-punishment and denial. It is violent and punishing -- physically, mentally and spiritually. The large amounts of food cover up feelings. You are literally stuffing feelings, pushing them down by putting as much food as you can on top of them. But feelings always find a way to come out. So you get into this cycle of having the feelings and you start eating and soon you have to eat more and more food in order to keep those feelings at bay, and then you have to get rid of it -- binging and purging.

    If you are willing, there are Overeaters Anonymous meetings near where you live. They are also online meetings. Please attend these meetings and connect with other bulimics who are struggling with it and / or recovering from it. It can be done, no matter how far you are into the cycle.

    I'll keep you in the light of the spirit over the next few days. May you find peace now.

    Great post!