A question for the girls



  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I do it anyhow...to me the workout you least want to do is the one you need the most. I always feel better and thank myself for it after!!!

    Be thankful you don't work with a male trainer like I do who watches your every move...now that really takes the old tom and icky feelings to a whole other level!!!
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    Exercise actually helps relieve the cramping, believe it or not. I don't let TOM stop me from working out.. it will boost your mood as well. Even just getting out for a brisk walk helps. Give it a try!

    this, definitely. if i'm too weak i won't work out but if it's just bad cramps i'll hop on the stationary bike and pedal for 15-20 minutes, it really helps with cramps. and all along i thought my gym teacher was lying to me when she told me exercise helps.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I find that sometimes it helps w/ cramps to do light exercises , maybe stretching, or walking.
  • I would treat it the same as you would as a postpartum mother. Don't do too much until the bleeding ends. If you do want to do something walking is fairly low impact and even a 10 min. walk is better than nothing.It may help you feel like your doing at least something.
  • katiekeene86
    katiekeene86 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses! I'm gonna see how it goes today (it's still early, after all) and see how I'm feeling.

    Glad I could get some female perspective. I asked my go-to guy (keyword: guy) for exercise advice and he was like "Uh..I've never had a period. Do whatever you want." Thanks, buddy!
  • 70arly43
    70arly43 Posts: 1
    I like the reply of drinking some herbal tea and curling up in the fetal position. Or you could lie on your back and put your legs in the air one at a time and do some leg stretches. Hope you feel better soon. Grandma
  • aklisbaby
    aklisbaby Posts: 4 Member
    When I used to have periods I found that taking ibuprofen before the pain got bad really helped too. And then just played it by ear on what to do afterwards. Love ya sweetie :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think it's ok to take a rest day. It can be really hard for people with a heavy flow to feel ok on the bad days. A couple of days out of the month won't hurt your progress. If you really want to do something, do something with limited torso and hip movement. (Seated bicep curls or other seated arm exercises.)
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I'll still exercise on heavy flow days because it makes me feel better, but have to make some adjustments. My most common exercise is running, and have learned the hard way (sadly, the tights weren't even black...) that running is not a good idea on those days. So I go to the gym and hit the recumbent--not upright, for reasons of position--exercise bike instead. Then I can wear a pad for backup (which is too uncomfortable for running), and am close to a bathroom if I need to go change things.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    Make yourself a cup of herbal tea, curl up in the fetal position, and rest.

    This is my advice. I can barely walk on my period, let alone exercise.

    I second this. Sure, exercise/stretching can help with the cramps and mood usually, but sometimes we're just too weak to get up and start. Some day I'll get up and exercise anyways, but on others (especially the day before and the first day) I have a date with my bed and a hot pad on my belly/back.

    Rest if that is what you need. later on, if you're feeling kinda better stretch out your abdomen and lower back. Workks wonders for me

    edited to add that tylenol, advil or mydol all help too!
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    A gynecologist told me, years ago, that at the first show of blood I should start popping ibuprofen (according to the instructions on the bottle). He said that not only would it drastically alleviate the pain, but it would also reduce the flow.

    In my case, he was 100% correct. The reduction in flow is significant when I follow his instructions: take it immediately. It has helped me tremendously. When I follow his instructions, I can do any activity.

    In your case, for what you're enduring right now, I think that what is most appropriate is a day of rest. Curl up with a book, and exercise your brain instead. :smile:

    This is interesting, I'm gonna try this (due any now so ibuprofen at the ready!). One question though, if it reduces the flow, does your period last longer than normal?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I use a super strength tampon and take some tylenol... then work out as usual. But that's me... *shrug*

    Ok I admit TOM rarely bothers me. Plus it causes me to carb load for an evening so I usually have a kick-*kitten* workout the first day.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I used to use it as an excuse to not workout. In the past 3 months or so I have worked out anyhow and was so glad I did. Working out takes my mind off of the cramping and focuses it on working out. Now, I do avoid group fitness classes the first 2-3 days of my cycle, but I still do the elliptical, treadmill and weights. No excuses!
  • sslichenmyer
    sslichenmyer Posts: 19 Member
    walking will ease cramps
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I'm usually a very listen-to-your-body kind of person. However, sometimes it's hard to tell if your body really needs rest, or your mind just wants to think your body really needs rest.

    Having a period is one of those things. I think on some levels we're conditioned to feel weak because of it when we really aren't.

    During my period I get a lot of uncomfortable swelling if I'm on my feet too much, and I used to think this meant it was best for me to put my feet up and let it pass but (out of a completely obsessive drive to stay on schedule) I've started working out instead and honestly its 10x better for the swelling to get those parts moving!

    Just some things to consider. :)
  • MrsFlotron
    MrsFlotron Posts: 39 Member
    eat and sleep (;
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Honestly, I can't do much of anything during that time. I seriously have NO energy and most of the time, the cramps are pretty bad. I would just get on the elliptical or stair climber and do that. Definitely wouldn't catch me doing kick boxing or anything like that then!

    I used to not get cramps at all until after my third baby. Now they are horrid 1/2 of the time...the other 1/2 they are a breeze.
  • Arredondo145
    Arredondo145 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd search for yoga stretches for TOM. Some positions help tremendously with cramping and flow. I also recommend chamomille tea and toast. Here's to feeling better soon!
  • katiekeene86
    katiekeene86 Posts: 12 Member
    See my flow is so heavy that I actually have to use a tampon AND a pad. Sooo annoying. I didn't make it with any exercise today. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better. We shall see! Thanks again, everyone.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    seriously - think about trying iron sups. give it 2mths, you'll be a new person.