WHY am I Not losing weight?

alissab1113 Posts: 25
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I need help! What am I doing wrong? I work out HARD burning 600-900 calories at a time and lift weight. Should I eat my exercise calories or not if I really want to focus on losing? I lost 80 pounds on my own and cant seem to lose these last 20. Will it take a few weeks before I start seeing changes?? UGH -I don't know what else to do.


  • Hi, Alissa.

    I was having trouble losing weight as well, even though I've been doing the exercise portion of P90X. Once I limited myself to 1500 calories, I started seeing results pretty fast (within a week).

    I tend to try to stick to 1500 total calories and not to eat the calories that I make up in exercise. On very heavy cardio days (which it sounds like you do quite a bit) I allow myself a little overage so that I have the energy I need.
  • scunnin8
    scunnin8 Posts: 9
    Hey! They always say that the last 10-20 pounds are really hard to lose. It takes a longer time for that last stretch. When you first started you probably noticed that weight was coming off a little quicker than it is now, because you may have changed the quality and quanity of your food intake and your workout sdrastically. Now your body is used to being treated the way you have been to lose the weight, maybe it needs a challenge? It sounds like you have a hard work out, maybe try some new things? Have you tried doing some Aerobics or increasing your cardio by just 10-15 min? Do not stress, you are doing just fine!!! Hang in there girl!!!
  • Thanks troy! I was thinking of sticking around 1500 cals. This morning I worked out with my trainer and did a hour of legs and burned 650 cal. Tonight Im doing contact kickboxing for a hour and that should be about 500 cal. I just dont know what is too much and or not enough.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I would suggest the opposite of the first poster and to eat 80-90% of your exercise calories, not the full 100% as they are just estimates. MFP sets you up with a caloric deficit and to keep that deficit constant you are encouraged to eat your exercise calories. You may also want to change your weekly goal to 1/2 pound or 1 pound per week as you are close to your goal and weight loss should slow down considerable and it will start to prepare you for maintenance caloric intake. Good luck
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    1500 calories is not near enough fuel for your body if you are burning that many calories.

    One of my friends (she is a trainer) suggested that upping your protein is a good way to lose those last few pounds. I'm not anywhere close to hitting that point yet so I cannot verify that it works, but I trust her!
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    The last few are always the hardest. I hit the gym 6 days a week, watch carefully what goes inside me and I only eat 1/5 of my exercise calories (Mainly because it's almost impossible to know what I burnt off so I play it safe).

    I lost a ton of weight in the first part of the year (40lb in total) but then I hit the plateau for 5 weeks and now I'm losing around 1/2 lb a week. The thing is I can see the inches coming off my waist and my legs are almost solid muscle now (I run a lot) so I don't care too much about the weight.

    Only this week I had to buy 32" waist trousers because the 34" I bought a few weeks ago no longer fit! :noway:

    Don't just worry about the scales because although that might not be moving your body can still be changing...
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    I have read that when you are trying to lose your last 10 or 20 lbs (Vanity pounds as Jillian Michaels would put it), you need to do completely different cardio exercises, something different you have never done before, and you need to workout at different times than when you lost all your other lbs. Instead of evenings do mornings, if you normally take a break on Sunday's switch it to Thursdays. If you normally run try doing muay thai or boxing.
  • good point! but i dont know how much to up my protein to to help me lose and not gain
  • oh, good ideas thanks!
  • oh, good ideas thanks!
  • I agree with the above, change your routine, and change some of what you eat as well if you tend to eat the same every week.

    If you're hammering the gym too you need to eat more not less, to gain the muscle that will utlimately increase your metabolism and make you lose more fat!

    Unfortunately once you get passed the urgent stage and into the vanity stage it gets a lot more complicated than 'less in, more out'. Trial and error is the way forward, and tape-measures rather than scales, maybe you don't need to lose another 20lbs.

  • I'm going through the same thing. Training hard, third week in and no weight loss. But when I did Body for Life it was like that as well. I didn't lose weight (that I noticed) until the 6th week. I was eating my meals though and the weight began falling off.
  • jmmsunshine
    jmmsunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Eat the majority of your workout calories - otherwise your body will think you're trying to starve itself and you'll go backwards, not forwards.

    Good Luck!!
  • votrubem
    votrubem Posts: 27
    I'm not sure if you already do this, but another good way to trick your body is by eating small, 200-300 calories snack/meals every 3 hours throughout the day. But doing this, your metabolism never slows down and you never feel hungry.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey there, Alissa. I'm in a similar place as you goal-wise. I'm looking to lose the last 10 or so and, more importantly (to me) a lower body fat percentage. One question I have is why are you working out SO much? Don't get me wrong, if it is simply that you love bringing it hard in the gym, that's awesome. But I don't know if two hours a day of exercise is necessarily going to be any better than a shorter routine in terms of weight loss, especially if it leaves you with a GIANT calorie deficit. When you get to the "vanity pounds" stage I think it is important to take it slow and not try to create too huge of a deficit. Like others have said, you should aim for 1/2 lb to a pound a week. This might be a lot slower than you have been losing, but that's what it takes to lose the last few pounds in a healthy way and not sacrifice muscle.

    What I'm doing might not be right for everyone, but it seems to be getting me fairly consistent losses (just under a pound a week). Basically, I wanted to be sure that I was getting IN at least my BMR calories. I figured those out to be about 1400. With my activity level (lightly active because I walk to work and back and walk around quite a bit while at work, etc.) I burn about 1700/day, so if I do no exercise, I should lose just over 1/2 lb a week. Then, I basically try to burn another 200 or so in exercise for a total of 500-calorie deficit. I might do 20 minutes of bootcamp-type circuit training or running with the Couch to 5K program. My HRM needs to be fixed, so I'm just using this site's estimates. Some days I'll do both for a bigger deficit and maybe eat a couple hundred more calories. Sometimes I will do less or nothing, but I still try to eat about 1400. I also give myself one day a week for a high calorie day where I eat about 2000 calories.

    In short, if you are KILLING it at the gym (which it sounds like you are), you might want to up your calorie intake. Or (and I realize this sounds counter intuitive), light up at the gym. Keep the workouts intense, but maybe only half as long. Also, be sure that you are giving yourself at least one day a week of rest, if not two. You could try that and see if it brings you some results. Seems to be working okay for me so far.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    good point! but i dont know how much to up my protein to to help me lose and not gain

    Neither do I! She said she eats about 144g of protein a day on average, not including pre and post workout shakes... and she is a tiny thing.

    I am currently doing a heavy lifting program (New Rules of Lifting for Women,) and the book suggested that 30% of your calories come from protein.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I wasn't losing weight earlier in the year and it was because I actually wasn't eating enough! My body thought I was starving and slowed my metabolism way down. A trainer/fitness person told me to ease up on exercise and eat more calories. (I thought I died and gone to heaven). BUT- before I joined MFP I had lost 25 lbs and hit the wall. I just joined this site and love the community support and ease of tracking food and exercise.

    I wouldn't starve myself, eat those calories, afterall - your body doesn't have all that fat stored now. congratulations on your loss!
  • Try changing up your routine. Your body has probably gotten use to your workout. Try to confuse your muscles. This will usually jump start your weight loss. Hope this helps.
  • On the subject of upping protein intake: I've started drinking the EAS Advantge Carb Control drinks for one of my "small" meals. 17 grams of protein(!) and no sugars. It really makes me feel full and gives me good calories (110 total, I believe).
  • I'm going through the same thing. Training hard, third week in and no weight loss. But when I did Body for Life it was like that as well. I didn't lose weight (that I noticed) until the 6th week. I was eating my meals though and the weight began falling off.

    OH really!! thats good to know! Makes me think there is hope! :) Keep me posted on how you are doing-
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