How many calories do you eat as a runner?

My calories fluctuate every day....3 mos into this and my exercise never fails, but my eating habits do. I need to find a happy medium of calories because I don't think as a runner I am eating enough when my minimum is 1272. I know when i was doing regular workouts at home, that was ok because you weren't constantly moving but with running you are always moving. I want to lose 20 lbs but am stuck with good days and bad days always yo-yoing. On average, I run at least 30min a day. My Saturday runs are getting longer to where I am up to 7mi working up to 13 for my first half. So I try to eat a heavier on Friday nights which are my splurge day so i have anough calories do get through those long runs. What do you do as a runner? i don't want to stay at this weight, I am 145 lbs and ideally should be 125-130 to be fit.


  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member

    I think we could be fitness twins...I'm 145 and want to get to 130. I've always been a runner. I hurt my back in November, so I'm just getting into it again. When I trained for my half, I ate every two hours...because I was hungry!! If you limit calories too much, your running will take a hit. I think I was around 1600 calories then. As long as I ate a well rounded meals, without overeating, I was able to lose 10 lbs. I ate a lot of whole grains, lean protein and a ton of fruit and veggies. has a bunch of healthy, runner friendly recipes that will help to also lose weight.

    I also found that cross-training was key in injury prevention and weight-loss. I now do triathlon's with my sisters every summer.

    I have not idea if this is helpful!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Woah, I would absolutely die on 1272. During marathon training, I gross about 2700, but tend to make my calories a weekly goal instead of a daily (trying to eat back a 20 mile long run would be silly). On most days that has me netting 2000-2500. During offseason maintenance (right now) I net 1800-2000. Gotta fuel those workouts! I'm 5'9 and 143, only trying to lose a few more % body fat.
  • mountaingirl2207
    I shoot for 15-1600, but I really try to listen to my body. If I'm hungry I eat. I run and/or incline walk about 40 miles/week.
  • jayne8628
    Hi! I was in the same position as you a while ago... I was running on average about 30mins a day (never more than that) with a calorie level of 1200 in order to lose 2 pounds a week. I did stick to my calorie goal of 1200 but it was tough. I did this for about a month and then completely fell off track and lost control. I really suffered burn-out. I did lose tons of weight (for me) my starting weight was 135 and I got down to 120 which is a healthy weight for my BMI. But after my burn out I ended up gaining 13 pounds again from falling off track.

    I'm getting back into it again and I feel its best to stick with 1500 calories for the day and lose the weight a little bit slow. Do not drive yourself into getting burn out from all the exercise it sucks!!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I find I have to keep to a lower deficit to fuel my running properly. The lowest I've gone while training for a half is netting 1400-1500; right now I'm netting more like 1600-1700, eating up to 2400 on long run days.

    Yes, it slows weight loss, but when you have two goals--a running one and a weight loss one--something has to give. But I also find I don't need "splurge" days, since I can eat pretty much what I want and still stay within my calorie goals.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I net, on average, 1800 calories a day. If I have a long run i eat back some of the exercise calories but most short runs I do not (I base my calories on TDEE).
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I pretty much run the same path as you. I run a 5k or a little more every morning(30min). Longer runs on SAT & Sun(10k+). I eat/beer half of my calories back every day. I usually have my big meal at night, although on weekends with the extra calories I fuel back up right after the long run also(1000cal right after). My weight loss has slowed considering the past week or two as my alcohol consumption has risen a touch but I am still averaging around 2 pounds a week with my 1st goal weight to be met in 2-3 weeks.

    I think you are doing great, just keep plugging away and it will come off.
  • scarrie2
    scarrie2 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone...I definitely think I was trying to kill myself with 1200 cal a day....I'll get it up a little and see how it goes...the more I deprive myself the more I fall off track....everyone that replied helped me. thanks!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I generally net 1250 on running days. I eat back my exercise calories. On days I run 3.5 miles, I'm eating around 1550 to 1600. On days I run 10+ miles? I'm eating around 2400 to 2500. I use a HRM to measure my burn and subtract out my BMR.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Hit a new PR for distance today - 11 miles. I got to eat almost 2600 calories today. And they were all delicious!