over 50 with 100+ pounds to lose? Looking for support...



  • zoftighannul
    Over 50 and over 100 lbs to loose, fits me well. I am hoping that THIS TIME I can do something to lose at least part of my weight. trying not to be defeatest but have been doing this weight loss dance since I was a kid. Here is giving it a try and saying I can do this. I CAN DO THIS!
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Liz and I am 52 years old. I have 160 pounds I would like to lose. I have successfully lost >150 pounds which I maintained over 5 years. I have then been gaining back. Maintained >100 pound weight loss for another 12 years and then regained all of it over a very short time in 2006/2007. Even thought for 17 years I maintained at least a 100 pound weight loss I struggled with binging and weight gain/loss. I had a significant event, my boyfriend died suddenly end of 2006 and have since relied on binging to get me through the day. I have had an eating disorder since age 4 and it kicked back in. I then developed major depression that at times was disabling. My mother died in 2007 and I started working from home which has rendered me very sedentary. None of this made it easy to manage my health but that is part of life. I have now resolved depression, it took years but last year finally found medications that work. I am now trying to deal with my food addiction. I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict with 24 years clean and know that support is key. I have been isolating in my home, lack of activity and not socializing much. A recipe for failure for sure. I was glad to see this topic and look forward to getting to my life back. Liz
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    51 year old here. Starting weight 346. Current weight 285. Over 60 lbs down so far, but have my sights on dropping another 80-90 lbs over the next year or so. Active here on MFP daily so feel free to add if you'd like. Best of luck to you.
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    I too would like someone to talk to/email. This is my first time on this site. I plan to be honest with others and especially myself. I also have struggled with weight since I was 4. I now have 160 pounds to lose and am age 52. I know it is possible, but oh so hard. I struggle with binging. I have healthy eating until I decide to binge. I do it alone, usually at night and can consume 5,000-10,000 calories in a very short time. I know what to do to make the necessary changes but keep binging. I make a decision to change and within no time I am back to binging. I want to change, my health is being affected by my current choices in life. I am inactive and find myself barely moving, most days 400-2,000 steps. I used to be very active and am athletic and loved to work out. I work from home and sit for 9 hours due to work from home and due to obesity hate to get out of house where others can see me. I look forward to getting support.
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    Hi I really could relate to your post. I am just starting out but have in past been very successful then always fell back into comfortable behavior that is very damaging to my health and happiness. I gained over 120 pounds in a very short time after my boyfriend died end of 2006. I have now been trapped in some very old, unhealthy coping skills and patterns. I find it helps me to have support. It also helps for me to set short goals and when I reach them gives me more confidence to keep going. I also find planning my meals either every am for the day or 1x per week helps a lot. That way I can plan to have the food in my house and not be tempted to make spur of the moment unhealthy choices. My goal is eat 3 meals per day. I binge and eat large amounts of food and calories in a very short period of time. I have some challenges that I am working on. I work from home and am so inactive. I have a lot of body pain and muscle stiffness and it makes it difficult for me do anything active. It then creates this vicious cycle. I would love to connect with you, I just started MFP yesterday so I am still getting to know all that it offers. Liz
  • khilliard1
    khilliard1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I have been changing my life since January 2013 as well. I have never posted but read these posts regularly. I will be turning 55 in September. I started at 330 lbs and am down 34 lbs. Like you I spent alot of time caring for my parents and other family members and working like a dog at work. It does SUCK that things are moving slowly with my weight loss and I think your daughter is right about the scale. I unfortunately am glued to that thing and have moved it out of the bathroom. I started working with a personal trainer at our local Y in July. I have never been into physical fitness but now I am learning so much. I have gone from a size 30 pants to a size 24 which is amazing in itself. I have more stamina than ever before. I am the person that was getting winded walking to the parking garage after work. I am also working with a great nutritionist and have changed my idea of food to "FOOD IS FUEL". Good luck with your journey.