Running in the snow

I decided to start running (term used loosely) on Monday this week, yet here is the weekend and we have snow, I am wondering if anyone as any tips or tricks for running in the snow?


  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Run carefully... lol. There's still quite a bit of snow where I am as well, and when I've tried to run I notice a lot of ice patches hiding under the snow on the sidewalk, which makes me weary. I've seen others run at the side of the road instead. I'm not sure if that's 100% safe either.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Local sporting goods stores sell "ice chains" for your shoes. I have 2 pairs. If your stores don't carry them, order on-line. FYI I got the kind with the tightly-wound 'spring' look of chains. They work really well in snow. not so much on ice-sheets. So if you have snow on top of black ice, then they will slide. Have used cleats, they slide, too. Recommend power walking if your snow is on top of black ice. If your snow is fresh powder over raw land, you should be fine. Be careful of "snow" potholes. don't let the crappy weather stop you.

    Good running!
  • keninf
    keninf Posts: 215 Member
    We run in snow, ice, etc. and have found that our yaktrak- run-traks, are awesome. They have the spiral wire, but also cleats at the balls of your feet which aid in icy patches. I don't even really notice them on once I get going. They carry them at a number of national chain stores, but I did have to get the size smalls for myself online as they were out near me. Good luck and stay safe!