
I have zero willpower lately. I lost 5 lbs and put it back on in less than one week. I know I can lose the 30 lbs if I put my mind to it but I cant seem to get into the groove. any suggestions?


  • datagram40
    datagram40 Posts: 33 Member
    I've had troubles getting back on the wagon lately as well. I started out my weight loss at 200lb and made it to my goal of 165lb and then just stopped. Now back at 182 and trying to get back into it. This last week I was able to lose one pound by following a modified Slimfast diet (more calories than just slimfast alone). I figured it would help me get back in the game by doing more of an actual diet instead of just better eating and so far I think it might be working for me. I will not be continuing Slimfast though. It just so happens to be my trigger.

    It mostly comes down to just starting. The last several weeks I've been starting and stopping in the middle of the week. This time I made it through an entire week.

    As to 5 pounds in less than a week I think that is just water weight. I 'gained' 6 pounds in one week by eating my moms home cooking. A week later I just did cardio workout to sweat the water out and lost 5 of those false water pounds.

    I try not to weigh myself every day because water and waste cause weight to fluctuate on a daily basis. I pick saturday to weigh in because when I wake up I am low on water and waste levels compared to during the week. Friday night of course I eat a very light dinner to not ruin my weigh in the next day.

    Just keep up the work. Also, sometimes when the body seems to stop losing weight it seems to be a matter of nutrition. I'm trying to focus on more veggies and fruits (I generally do not eat much of those) and I have seen a difference.

    Edit: And no I am not only eating fruits and veggies just adding them. Would't want to starve myself :P