Sick of chicken. Other dinner ideas?



  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    We only eat chicken about three times a week. Any more than that and my husband would rebel. I have found that if you really look at the nutritional values there are lots of other meats that are just as lean if not leaner than chicken. In my supermarket they have 4% fat ground sirloin and its stats are better than ground turkey. I also buy lean sirloin steaks, pork loins, turkey breast tenderloins. See the loin trend. Its about the cut not the animal. If you compare a rib eye to chicken breast you are going to eat chicken every night. If you compare the sirloin trimmed of fat to chicken you have a lot more options. I also love fish. But you have to look at fish stats too. Not all fish is lean. I love salmon, but it is very fatty so relatively high in calories. I eat it regularly because its good fats, but I have to have a smaller portion of salmon to stay within my calories. Tilapia is easy to cook, lean, relatively inexpensive and has a mild flavor that can work with lots of different recipes.
  • dragonforce84
    In Australia, you can buy Kangaroo, ostrich and crocodile and emu game meats, I made a kangaroo curry this week. Very lean and very yum.