Yoga DVD recommendations?

I'm looking to add yoga to my exercise routine. I'm a single mom and work full time, so it's hard to get to a gym. I go walking 4-6 times a week (3-4 miles 2-3x during the week and 6 miles on the weekend). Recommendations for Other types of exercise DVDs also welcome.



  • For DVDs, I love Yogalosophy by Mandy Ingber; it combines yoga poses with strength training. For example, you would hold downward facing dog, then do leg lifts from that position. It gives a great stretch and an all over workout! YouTube is also a good place to get started, I started my own yoga practice with Yogatic by Esther Eckhart. Her beginner yoga sequences are an awesome way to ease yourself into yoga, learn breathing techniques & asanas (poses) and so relaxing to wake up or go to bed with :) Good luck!
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member