I think I have a problem!

Okay - so I think I am creating an obsession. All I can ever think about is weight loss and fitness. It's the only thing that crosses my mind everyday, no matter how hard I try to distract myself. I'll sit in class and be learning about ancient religions and all I can connect things to is weight loss.

I think part of it might come from me not really having steady weight loss for the past few months, it's more of an every few weeks I may lose a pound or two and it really puts me down. I am always changing my exercise routines because of it and I rarely ever go over my goal.

Right now I am to the point where I have already started a new meal plan for Monday (I have a problem where I will try new things for a week or two to gather "data" and see how well it works as long as it starts on a Monday - it's like an OCD problem.) I got the idea for this plan from a friend who started at the same weight as I did and has lost a significant amount of weight and is very healthy now. She never eats over 1,000 calories and works out constantly. She eats no processed foods and sticks to rice, veggies, and fruits. I figured I would try it but while I want to try the 1,000 calorie thing it scares me because everyone's always crying about malnutrition doing that and how your body will store the food versus breaking it down. However - I figured since it's all so low on calories that you're consuming so much of it it might not be as bad. But am looking for others opinions.

As for the exercise portion goes I am also addicted to that. I always feel guilty not working out and when I do I like to burn about 500 calories per workout however I learned that I wasn't so exhausted on Thursday when I burned 1,500. I am probably going to add that into the plan as well - which I am still unsure of if that is healthy.

Any input is appreciated, I really hate always being obsessed with it all. If I'm not trying to talk about fitness with someone I am chugging a 20oz water bottle.



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Sounds as if you need to take a step back as the behaviour and thought processed seem quite disordered.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I would agree that you seem to have developed disordered thoughts with regard to food. It would probably be beneficial at this point to take a step back maybe eat at maintenance for a week, still workout if you want but maybe think about talking to a counselor at your school and see if a nutritionist is available at your school. My university has counselors and nutritionists.