SO worried about skin..

runnin0nbravado Posts: 17
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

I apologize if this topic has been beaten to death, but I didn't see anything about it, yet. ANYWAY..

I have been feeling great about my weight loss (almost 15 pounds so far), but I have this demon hanging over me that just.. well.. completely discourages me.

While I am losing weight for many many reasons, one of them is, of course, to look good. I need to lose over 100 pounds and I am so nervous that my skin will look absolutely disgusting when I've reached my weight loss goal. As early in the game as I am, I feel like I need to come to terms with this scary subject soon, or it will be one more obstacle blocking my mind when I get to the point where the shine of a healthy lifestyle wares off (because we all get to that point..). I know there are so many things that go into this like elasticity of the skin and everything.. but I guess what I want to know is if anyone is in the same boat as I am. And, has anyone lost a ton of weight and either did not have the flabby skin.. or got it taken care of via cosmetic surgery.. or realized they still feel good looking and sexy?

I just want to wear a bathing suit that shows my body and be proud of what I'm showing..

please help.. =\

Kendra <3


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've never met anyone who wasn't THRILLED to have lost over 100 pounds! :tongue:

    In reality, it is very likely you're going to have stretched/excess skin after losing over 100 pounds. You're right about it being something you need to come to terms with. But, the extent of it can vary a whole lot.

    I've lost somewhere around 70 pounds now. I don't have a noticeable amount of stretched/excess skin at present. But I know I will because I have at *least* 30-40 pounds left to lose.

    And of course I'd love to look great in a bikini or lingerie when I'm at my goal weight. But if I don't, I'm not going to cry about it because I've added years to my life, a huge amount of quality to the rest of my life, and I'll at least look freaking fantastic in my clothes.
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    Given your age your skin should still have plenty of elasticity in it. From what I've read of other people loosing over 100 lbs here is get plenty of sleep, drink a ton of water, exercise, and generally take care of yourself. Would talking to a dermatologist help?
  • water water water is the secret for you! make sure you drink tons so your skin is healthy enough to bounce back. Also, don't just do cardio. Strengthen muscles to help tighten things up through weights or resistance training. :)
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    From what I have read about this, there are a few things that factor in when someone has to lose a considerable amount of weight. I have been looking into it too as I need to lose a total of 159 pounds, so I was really concerned about the loose skin thing too, especially at my age (42).

    Obviously genetics play a part. Age plays a big part though too, and you being 21 will be a huge plus in your favor. The articles I read also mentioned that how fast you lose the weight plays a part as well. Like on a fad diet when alot comes off real fast, the body doesn't have sufficient time to bounce back so people sometimes end up with loose skin. Losing it in a healthy, steady way though is supposed to be better and you have more chances of your skin tightening back up that way.
    Also, another point was to keep your skin hydrated, by drinking lots of water, and using a good lotion- especially in your areas of concern. And weight training as opposed to just cardio for exercise.
    The articles also mainly said that even if someone wants surgery to remove any excess skin, IF they have that problem when the weight is gone, that most Drs. will make someone weight a couple years first to give the body sufficient time to rebound on it's own, and that if, after a couple years, they have a problem with extra skin, then surgery is more of an option.

    Honestly, I used to be really worried about this, but I am not anymore and I am twice your age. I have lost 1/3 of my goal weight so far and I don't have loose skin, just the fat that needs to still go, lol. The more I work with resistance/weights in addition to cardio, the better things seem to look.

    I think as I said, with you being young, that's going to really be in your favor, if you lose your weight sensibly, eat healthy, get a well rounded variety of exercise- consistently, drink lots of water, and even start hydrating your skin with lotion, I don't think you are going to have an issue. I think you will get to wear that bathing suit and be quite proud of how you look!!!

    Hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I'm not sure I'm going to be any help... anytime I've lost weight I've been left with 'skin bags' in key areas. People say; you're young. People say; stay hydrated. People say a lot of stuff that in the end doesn't matter because your body is going to do what its going to do and there's no REAL way to control it.

    I KNOW the skin bags are coming again and I have no money for plastic surgery so I'm just going to have to learn to accept them or find ways to cover them up (like I did last time. NO swimsuits, EVER, for me. ): ).

    Still, despite having my skin bags I'd rather be thin and covering up a bit, then big and miserable.
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    I have dropped from 205 to 133 in 1 yr- and yes there is sagging skin and yes it sucks! But recently, Now that I am more focued on weight training, I have noticed it does not seem as wrinkly or saggy. I will never wear a bikini, but my arms anf thighs still need to be tighter. Hopefully now with this weight routine it will continue to help.
    Keep up the great work- at least we look way better in clothes now, and that it how most people see us!
  • Thanks, everyone. I kind of just started getting serious because I'm getting married next June. We're going to Disney and Clearwater Beach in Florida for our honeymoon, and I'm SO self-conscious. I feel like my fiance is God's gift to the world and I always look bad next to him. I just don't want to feel that way forever.

    (LittleSpy, I also love Gogal Bordello and I commend your taste in music.. lol)

    Thanks, EVERYONE. I needed the boost!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    through my work I recently met a lady who had lost a large amount of weight (more than you need to) and I asked her about 'excess skin' as I am losing weight. She said lose it SLOW and exercise and strength training to tone your muscles as they are the things that support your skin. I would say it must work as she looked fab xXx
  • Well, I hope this isn’t TOO depressing but I don’t know know anyone’s who’s lost 100 lbs and will happily wear a bathing suit.

    I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that there’s no way I ever will either. I am young, have lost the weight slowly, worked out a lot (and not just cardio), moisturized, drink about 3L of water a day … and yes, have loose skin now. I look fine in clothes but I stick to one piece bathing suits because my middle section is frankly appalling. Yes, it kinda sucks, but trust me, it still sucks less than getting stuck in turnstiles and not being able to find winter coats that fit. Plus even if I don’t look good in a bikini, I look GREAT in a dress :bigsmile: , and as someone else said, that’s how most people see me.

    Honestly, you probably do need to wrap your head around the idea that your body won't be perfect once you've lost the weight. But if you can still love yourself at less-than-perfect, then losing this weight will still be one of the best things you will ever do, and so absolutely, totally, 100% worth it.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've heard Pilates and cocoa butter really helps! :happy:
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member friend lost over 100lbs but he did it the unhealthy way. To minimize the extra skin fear lose your weight slowly (1/2-2lbs per week. Also, incorporating some weight training would be very beneficial.
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    I've lost almost 80 pounds and loose skin is starting to become a real problem for me, particularly on my stomach, top of my thighs and under my arms. I have exercised (cardio and strength) since day one, moisterised, gotten fat in my system... the one thing I have struggled with is drinking enough, I recommend you do this... but ultimately I think genetics plays the biggest role in the fate of your skin. My skin has never been elastic (I got AWFUL train track stretch marks during pregnancy) so I think that is my culprit. I dont think there is much you can do aside from cover up or have surgery...
  • Pro bono sounds great.. haha I'd totally slap a tatt over the scar.. lmao
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    I pretty much have to agree with everyone here. My mother lost over 70lbs, and her skin is in pretty good shape. She's got some lose skin but she's also approaching 60 years old, and for that, she looks fantastic. I would assume that age and genetics would play a lot into how much your skin will bounce back. But staying hydrated never hurts, and I've heard of different doctors willing to give pro-bono surgery to those who are in financial need, but have managed to lose tons of weight. :-)
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    Again, depends on your skin elasticity. I know many who have lost and have had no huge issue with their skin, BUT, for me at age 21 i went from 255 to 135 and my skin was saggy!!! i had an arm lift and tummy tuck just to look "normal" lol. My Dr said if there are stetch marks than all elasticity is gone in that area and will NOT go back. I have many stretch marks, lol. I still have some loose skin in some areas, but i cant afford any thing else being done. I gained a little back over the years (im 29 now) and have about 10 lbs left to get back to my lowest of 135, but I am stuck and its taking me forever to get the last bit off!
  • I have had very minimal saggy skin. I lost very slowly and incorporated strength training from the begining and have had really good results. I do have trouble with my upper arms but I am working on it. The thing is worrying about saggy skin and stretch marks is only going to hinder you in the long run. I really didin't care that I was going to have to battle these things (yes I do have stetch marks but I wear them them with pride). I would rather have a little saggy skin and stratch marks than have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems or any other medical problems associated with obesity.

    Be proud of the fact that you are getting healthy. The truth is beauty does not really mean that much in the grand scheme of things. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    By the way: I will be wearing a bikini this year and if people have a problem with my body they can just look away!:drinker: :tongue:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I don't know if it will really matter, but I wanted to put in my 2 Cents worth on this subject.
    I DO have some loose skin and wrinkles--the worst being my upper arms, of course. But the advice you've gotten already is Right On! Drink your water, moisturize, and EXERCISE--especially Strength Exercises. I have even heard that massaging your problem areas can help.:ohwell:
    Truth is, I will never be comfortable in a sleeveless top. And my skin will never be tight or "pretty" in a bathing suit. I have the 'battle scars' to tell the story of my battles with weight. And, if I decide to go to the Pool, I will wear a bathing suit proudly.
    BUT....I FEEL so much better, I am not in pain, I can breathe easier, and I can walk for MILES without difficulty. Would I trade all that for tight skin? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!
    If anyone wants to say anything about my skin let them listen to my story. I am proud of what I have accomplished, it has taken a lot of time, dedication, determination, and sacrifice. Some sagging skin and wrinkles are NOT going to take away the Pride and Happiness that I feel now, and that YOU will feel when the weight is gone!
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