Craving sugar!!!!!!! HELP

Hi All!
My diet plan goes just fine when I am fine... when my mood change or get stressed for any small reason than BOOM :explode: :explode: :explode: ! I get off diet... crave sugar like crazy. So I would like to know is there anything that I can eat that is loaded in sugar (at least taste like it) and would not damage too much my diet?
I know I know, I have to find ways to control better my mood... but I simply have not figured that out yet :sad:
Any tip will be appreciated.
Cheers :flowerforyou:


  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I start hallucinating whenever I pass a donut shop. Here are a few things that I do when I crave a Krispy Kreme.
    1. Tell myself over and over and over again "the donut will still be there when I lose the weight" (hopefully not that specific donut)
    2. Grab some fruit - yes - it's still sugar but it's not as damaging as a snicker bar.
    3. Drink a tall glass of iced water (I've figured out that hunger is sometimes misinterpreted for thirst)
    4. Light and Fit Greek Yogurt with fruit on the bottom hits the spot sometimes
    5. If all else fails, eat the sweet (be sure to savor it) and get back on the wagon
  • Try making a cake with only the cake mix of your choice and the diet soft drink of your choice and bake according to directions. So far I have made a Choc cake with Dt Dr Pepper, a Yellow cake with Dt Mt Dew and tonight I made a lemon cake with Dt Sprite. Between me and my wife they only last 2 - 3 days. hope this helps. :)
  • texasangela
    texasangela Posts: 1 Member
    I crave sweets around 9:30pm, and instead of eating them, I brush my teeth. I do this because I will not want to brush my teeth again before bed, and most of the time it stops me from eating sweets late at night. I hope this helps with some of it.
  • You can eat snacks! Don't tell yourself that you can't. A calorie is still a calorie after all and there are some low calorie snacks. Look for those in the grocery isle. For example if I start craving ice cream I just grab one of my low calorie ice cream sandwiches and cure that craving. i'm still losing weight too! Also if that fails, there's yoplait light! They have snack flavors. I'm eating a keylime pie flavor right now. It's only 90 calories.
  • Awesome tips.... I will try those next time it hits me again.. hopefully I will save my Sunday cause my Sat seems hopeless :smile:
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Or maybe replace ice cream with unsweetened frozen yogurt?
  • Why do that, Health Gal? I'm allowed 100 calories for snacks. I'm allowed to eat snacks twice a day. I also eat every three hours and I keep my calories right at 1,200.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Skinny Cow is the greatest thing Ever. low calorie treats that taste GOOD. I ate one of these Ice cream sandwiches almost every day last year while I lost over 100 pounds. Only way to deal with a sweet tooth is to feed it, just do not go overboard.
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    I will microwave a pear in water then sprinkle cinnamon & splenda on it! Also, you can slice a banana and sprinkle cinnamon and drizzle honey over itl Those r healthy and yummy =)

    Skinny Cows are a great choice if you need sugar....I just can't have too many of that in my house or I will eat them ALL! lol
  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    fruit..watermelon, mango, strawberries..doesn't that make your mouth water :-)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Skinny Cow is the greatest thing Ever. low calorie treats that taste GOOD. I ate one of these Ice cream sandwiches almost every day last year while I lost over 100 pounds. Only way to deal with a sweet tooth is to feed it, just do not go overboard.

    Those things are small and don't fill me up personally which leads to overeating (might as well have had that donut if I have to eat 5 Skinny Cows to feel full/mentally satisfied.

    Fruit, veggies, greek yogurt are awesome treats.. I found once I cut out processed foods (as much as possible), I actually didn't crave sugar anymore
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I understand those exclamation points!!! I have had an endless battle with sugar. I have difficulty eating a reasonable portion of dessert and stopping there. It's easier for me to not have sugar at all, because when it's in my system I just crave it more and more. When I eat sweets, there's and endless chatter in my head telling me to consume more sweets.

    There are lots of people that do NOT have my problem and for them, a small daily treat is OK. For me, I have to try to stick with fruit and herbal teas sweetened with Stevia.

    Good luck to you!
  • I agree Skinny cow products are the best thing when you crave sugar, I'm a chocoholic, I crave it every moment of the day. What I now do is drink a large glass of ice water first then have a sundae or one of the caramel cookies, it doesn't completely kill the craving all the time but it does take the edge off of it.
  • mrs727remedy
    mrs727remedy Posts: 25 Member
    i get the skinny cow cookies and cream ice cream sandwhich's they taste really good and i usually share it with my son hes 2.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    You could try a supplement of Chromium to help with sugar cravings.

    But really the ONLY thing that will stop them is to quit eating sugar for a while and break the ADDICTION that you have.
  • I know what it's like, just take a deep breath and read on. The more you have sugar, the more you crave it, it's sort of like an addiction..but no really.

    1. Distract yourself, do something, such as play a game. I personally love playing "Grandma Faith's Capture the cat" it's fun, you should google it.

    2. Drink a glass of water, perhaps you are thirsty

    3. If the craving does not go away, satisfy it with fruit.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Anything with sugar is just gonna add fuel to the fire. Even fruit - it's good for you but if you are in a sugar crave/addiction cycle and you eat fruit to satisfy that craving, you're still fueling it (though it's much healthier than junk).
    I totally empathize - as I was there just a month ago. I pretty much stalled all year last year because I got in a habit of eating an extra 500 cals of candy everyday and even though I was in a deficit overall - my body just wasn't happy with it. I am doing the Whole30 right now for the sheer purpose of breaking the sugar addiction. It's extreme but it has worked so far!
    All things in moderation - if you can't do sweet anything in moderation right now, try going cold turkey for a bit to cut off that sugar monster and then slowly add in a little at a time again.
  • Truvia

    Plant based sweetner. Tastes like sugar. I use it on everything! (not eeeverything)

    Tea sorts me out, coffee, berries and fruit! - natural sugar.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I am still a very emotional eater, despite my best efforts. If I get in a really bad mood, and I crave junk...I eat it. However, I do not diet...I have changed my eating lifestyle completely. Therefore, when I get in these moods and eat something bad, it is a short-term thing that typically has no real affect on weight or my measurements. It does 1 of 2 things: Mentally makes me feel better, and if I eat too much of the junk, I end up losing interest in that item and usually don't eat anymore or at least for months.

    If you are bent on dieting, and want alternatives, I recommend checking out stuff like Quest bars, Target's Market Pantry stuff, or checking out Special K snack bars. Quest is an all-natural super healthy bar...I eat the brownie ones like crazy. I say the Target stuff because they use less sugar and processed junk than the name brand equivalents. Special K is good just because they focus on portion control...although, if I was in a bad mood, goodbye box of snack bars. Hope this helps.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I have dried figs, dates, raisins to snack on when I get one of those moments. A handful of almonds or cashews, some cereal (not loaded in sugar) like Fruit & Fibre (maybe 25gr. no milk, to have as snack). Also Quark, greek yogurt, you can add a tablespoon of no-sugar strawberry jam.
    If all fails I will just have whatever and count it as part of my macros, then you will need to cut down on something else at the end of the day.

    In the case everything fails on one day and you stuff yourself with whatever, don't beat yourself over it, and start clean next day. Romoe wasn't built in a day and practise makes perfect. You will manage to learn over time that when we are over stressed and we "need" carbs as a way to "treat ourselves" to something sweet what we are doing is spoiling our health and treating ourselves badly. Nothing bad with eating ice cream or chocolate, but that impulse to crave it desperately when one gets stressed is what you have to keep under control.

    By the way, I quite killed the craving for chocolate with Chocolate protein shake, I found a good alternative that is healthier to me. (Although, yes, I still have chocolate from time to time when I want, but now I can control it with moderation)