Heart Rate Monitor

I know HRMs are only meant for exercise - is it okay to wear mine during waitressing and a job in the kitchen? Both require LOTS of walking around, lifting heavy things, etc. I wore my HRM today for 11.5 hours (there was a 20 minute break in there), and my average heart rate was 110, max 199. So my average heart rate was about 55% of my resting heart rate. Does this count as exercise? I know the calories will be highly inflated, but I can trust the heart rate numbers, correct?


  • rosered93
    rosered93 Posts: 69 Member
    If you're using it to assess calories burned, you'd probably be better off just changing your activity level in your profile so as to reflect that you have an active job.
    Are you asking if it's okay to wear it while working? Sure? As long as the transmitter is in contact with your skin and conducting properly, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to trust the HR numbers (not the calories so much).
  • Your maximum heart rate was 199 waitressing. Are you sure that's right? It's not like you just did a full out sprint down the street.
  • YMaloylo
    YMaloylo Posts: 4 Member
    My job requires me to lift things like 70 lb tables and move them across the whole restaurant, there's lots of jogging around, etc., so I'm not surprised with that.