Final Straw



  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    RobertHendrix- I hope this means something coming from a total stranger. Your story made me so proud it brought me to tears, proud of YOU! As a nurse who works with patient's with diabetes and HTN and HLD this touches my heart. You have done a superb job so far and you are no doubt on the road to reaching your goal. You have made tremendous leaps already. It puts stories like mine to shame. Here I am at 210 lbs feeling like "yeah, I've lost 30 lbs but I'm not even halfway there. I'll never reach my ideal weight/shape" and I have so much doubt in myself. Stories like yours make me realize that what I'm going through is a piece of cake compared to what others have done already. Thank you for being strong and healthy for your family and for you and for other MFPers like me, to whom you are an inspiration.

    Thank you, your words mean more than you probably realize. At the same time don't deminish the work and progress you have already made yourself. It doesnt matter if you have 5, 50, 100, or 250lbs to lose the commitment and dedication it takes to change ones lifestyle is something that should never be thought of as any less important to someone elses. Besides the fantastic job you have already done in your journey you are also working in a field were you have such an awsome oppertunity to inspire so many people everyday. As a diabetic I understand that such a huge part of the diabetic community is overweight and can attest that when I would go in to see my doctor or his nurses and they would bring up anything about how I need to lose weight it was very hard to really put much in to what they were saying as some of them were just as out of shape or as overweight as I was. The fact that diabetic patients can come in and see the progress you are making will provide so much more motivation to them to work harder than my story ever would.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you. I hope I can be as much of an inspiration to my patients as you have been to me! I have felt like a hypocrite in the past when doing diet and lifestyle teaching to my patients, now, hopefully, I won't have to feel that way anymore :)
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    My biggest "Ah hah!" moment, February 3, 2013. My grandfather had a heart attack, which a week later he had to have a triple bypass. It all boiled down to eating. It made me realize the path I was going, I would be in the same shoes, if not at a younger age. So I joined MFP and started to make my life change.

    But also, I have hated myself for far too long. I have little to no sex drive (poor hubby) and am just sick of being a blob. Plus, I want to be there for my son and be an inspiration to him. I don't want him to grow up with poor eating habits and end up fat either.
  • ChiNy28
    ChiNy28 Posts: 4
    My final straw was when I was referred to a bariactric surgery clinic by my family doctor. I did not want to go, but I went for the consultation and when I got there they weighed me and I was 375 lbs...25 measly lbs from 400! I could not fathom it. I remember crying to my mother telling her that if I didn't make a change I would not be here much longer. I purposed in my mind to change for me and God is giving me the strength EVERYDAY! I had a small setback for a few months but I am back with a vengeance with the much needed structure of MFP and I'll be damned if I go back again...Hell no I won't go! I am doing it on my own, no shortcuts with surgery for me. I am now back down to 336 lbs where I was before my setback. Keep up the great work everyone! Also, feel free to add me!
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    My final straw was I was 20 pounds away from 300 pounds....I'm 40 pounds away from 300 pounds now! :D can't weight (pun intended p) to get to 200 :D
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    Truly amazing life stories, Robert especially brought a tear! ( Sorry I am a right girl!)

    My straw was ????? I don't know really, i have been meaning to loose weight / change my life style for 20 years, I kept trying two or three times a year. This year I have started the 5:2 thing, and it seems to be working, plus mentally this year I am happier!

    My wife lost allot a couple of years ago, and it is time we matched again!

    Thank you all so much for sharing, it is really good to read.
  • Maribabewhich
    Maribabewhich Posts: 157 Member
    My final straw was when I had to go shopping for clothes to wear over Thanksgiving holiday. I was going through pile after pile of jeans in Old Navy looking for a size 20 and could not find a one! I saw tons of 8s and 10s and I just kept thinking to myself "you know if you weren't so damn fat you would've been in and out of here 20 minutes ago." It was so hard to find anything that made me look good let alone feel good. Then Thanksgiving came and I saw the pictures, ugh, I was even wearing a body shaper underneath! I had never, ever been that big. I decided when I got back to work to weigh myself (my bathroom scale was broken), it said 240 even (I'm 5'7"/8"). Never in my life was I ever that heavy, before kids my heaviest was 222, during pregnancy with my 9lbs 1oz baby girl I topped out at 226 and was down to 199 going home from the hospital after delivery. I was disgusted, depressed, angry, I literally felt trapped in my own body by my fat. Then my SIL got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid. There is no way in HELL I am going to walk down that aisle and stand next to her (gorgeous) and her gorgeous friends looking like a whale! I needed to do something. I need to do it for me, my husband, my kids, there is no excuse and no other option. I'm 30 lbs down since January 1st, I'm well on my way and there is no turning back :)

    Congrats how did u do it, I mean losing the 30 pounds?
  • Ladycooper8
    I always avoid the scale and one night my hubby comes home with my old scale from my moms house, i forgot about it , and he turned it on.. the kids found it fun to take turns to check how much they weigh, hubby climbed on and then the dreaded question came "babe arent u going to weigh yourself, come on, its just for fun!!" oh my word.. i got on and when I saw how much i weighed, my heart dropped into the floor... from the very next day i started my eating healthy exercise 5 times a week plan and it has worked, started in Jan 2013 and so far ive dropped 27lbs and i cannot wait to drop some more i have 132 lbs to drop still, its been hard.. but im determined :)
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    This has been a really inspiring thread, so many amazing reasons to get healthy.

    For me it was my baby daughter. She has always been a physical child, walked early and does nothing but run and climb. I realised that I owe it to her, to myself and to any future children we may have to be able to keep up with her. I want to play soccer with her, to go on long nature walks, to teach her to ride a bike and roller skate, to dance around the kitchen, to go swimming without worrying about how I look in a bathing suit and to join in when she wants to take karate lessons or whatever she wants to do.

    Also, I want her to see me exercising and eating well so she grows up thinking that is normal life.
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
    My turning point was 47 days ago when I returned from a cruise. Even prior to getting ready for the trip I knew this was going to be miserable. I had to literally try everything on before packing it just to make sure it would fit. I only found 1 pair of shorts that fit. Of course the airplane seat going there was miserable. Too big for such a small space. I couldn't even fit in a chair at the buffet. My friend had to give me the booth side to sit down in. The one time I tried to climb the stairs I was so winded I thought I'd pass out. When I got back I knew I had to make a change or probably die. So 46 days ago I logged back onto MFP. I've lost about 17 lbs and feel good about that. It's a real slow process, especially at my age but I'm committed to stay on track this time.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I think that the final straw has happened many times for me, my two pregnancies I went from under 180s to almost 300 pounds, and back to a low of 164and then I had my Twins and worked out crazy strong for 4 yrs and couldn't get below 200. Got my IUD removed and had my 5th child, I topped the scales at 218 when I got pregnant and 278 walking into the hospital, I now weigh 222 pounds and my baby just turned 1. After my 5th child I decided that's it, no more, I don't care how long it takes me, I don't care how I do it, as long as I eat healthy and exercise I am going to reach my goal. I found out I am gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant so I am now focusing on making better choices, I also found that although I love high impact exercises, walking is better for my joints and body right now. Ah ha moments come often. I also have a amazing support system here on mfp and at home.
  • DoreeB2013
    Love this....LOL.... you gave me a good laugh this morning! It made me think of my dad, he is gone now but years ago when I was about 10/12 we were visiting my uncle's place (his brother) and he sat down in a living room chair and was on the floor in a second. I remember that he was mad at all of us kids when we laughed (not funny at the time) but after some time passed he laughed along as well. At that time he was well over 400 lbs. He never did do anything about his weight, and finally exceeded 600 lbs and died younger than he should have.

    My turning point was my very high blood pressure, and now this walk down memory lane with you helps keep me focused! Thanks for sharing.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    My turning point was the onset of clinical depression coupled with persistent, chronic pain in my knees, ankles, hips, and shoulders. I left my job to take on a new one overseas and as I was about to ship out the contract was cancelled. Everything seemed hopeless and all I wanted to do was cry all the time. I would get winded simply walking to to the mailbox and up and down a short flight of stairs. The only pleasure I got was the weekly trip to Hooters for their all you can eat wings on Monday. If you could believe I could eat 50 of the boneless wings, a plate of fries, and two of the tall beers. I actually broke one of their stools sitting on it. Thankfully, I grabbed the counter to prevent a full on fall. A fall would've been a serious injury.

    Now, I've nearly completed the second week on my weight management program. I never would've thought after the second week that the pain would begin to subside. At the beginning of the second week, I had the motivation to start exercising. Even my mood has improved, I feel more optimistic, and the additional assistance of MFP has been invaluable.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    I am tired of my SO always mentioning the size of my stomach. Everything I wear, first comment its the stomach. One time he mentioned that I should never wear those pants again, just get bigger ones - Size 14. Talk about the hurt, tried on a size 10 Saturday, I was able to git into it, but I would like to lose 30 more pounds.

    PLEASE tell me you are no longer with this person.

    your answer should have been:
    "I should never DATE you again, just get a BETTER one" :bigsmile:

    while our loved ones may certainly notice we are overweight, and may even talk with us about it in a respectful and loving way, "commenting" on our body parts and telling us to wear bigger clothes is just mean. F that noise.
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    My initial turning point was in 2007. I had a new baby. I was a proud new mother. I never thought of myself as fat, until one day I stepped on the scale and saw 301 pounds. That very day I decided there was NO WAY I was going to live my life at over 300 pounds. Over the course of the next four years I lost 100 pounds.

    My husband and I decided to have another baby. Starting at 200 pounds, I gained 40, taking me to 240. After the baby was born, I got back down to 216 in just 3 months. Then I went back to work and started gaining. On January 20, 2013, I weighed 239.6- just 0.4 pounds shy of my weight the day I delivered my second baby. I decided there was NO WAY I was going to weigh more than the day I delivered, so I joined Weight Watchers and starting back at Bikram. I have lost 10 pounds in 9 weeks.

    I want to lose an additional 65. I know it's going to take some hard work and dedication, but I will get there!
  • queenbee47340
    That is hilarious, and you are was not funny at the time. You were probably mortified. Did you ever find out about the chinese herbs? if so...what were they and so on?
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Wow.. This is an awesome thread.. Each and every one of you should be proud at what you have accomplished and know that you are an inspiration to someone else out there!! All of you keep your eye on the prize and keep pushing foward. Congrats on what have accomplished so far and best wishes on your future accomplishments that will surely happen.
  • tryinghard71
    Mine was when I gained 30 pounds over a year and a half without changing anything. Was diagnosed with Hypo Thyroid problem and realized I would have to change. My doctor told me medication alone would not fix me. It would help but I would need to count calories (suggested MFP) and workout 5-6 days a week 50 minutes or more a day. She pretty much nailed it for me. I followed her instructions and it is working. But this is not a diet for me. It is a new lifestyle that I had to buy into.
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I don't have ONE momentous turning point, but I did wake up on New Years Day with norovirus. Vomiting for three days really helped jump start me :)
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I had already lost 52 pounds and had been keeping it off for a while. I was going through a divorce and it was just too much to deal with all at once. Fast forward about a year and I had just met my fiance and we had our first year of going out for dinners and doing other couple-like things that seemed to revolve around food. I gained 10 of those pounds back and my size 12 jeans were getting tight. I thought I'm not going to go through this again. I lost the 10 pounds that I gained and then 50 more for a total loss of 102 pounds.

    The first year in pictures from our dating was not really flattering either.....much better now.
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