Anyone do pole dancing for fitness?

I currently do weight training and les mills classes for my exercise but I want to add something completely different and fun into the mix so was thinking pole dancing. I've heard it's a very good exercise but I have a few questions.

I've seen some dancers have very bulky, almost fat upper body and arms in comparison to the rest of their body. Is this inevitabledepending on body type or can it be avoided with a clean diet and watching calories?

I'm really really not flexible... So would PD be good for me or would does it require being very flexible to start?

How difficult is it for a beginner? I'm quite fit but I don't know how I'd go holding my own body weight up for periods of time.

Is this a good work out to get cut and build strength and muscles?

Anything else I should know?

Thanks =)


  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
  • Depending on where you live you could see if there is a dance studio that teaches classes - I know in the larger city a bit away from where I am there are several types of classes in that category. They might be a better source for your questions, or even to ask if there are certain filmed classes you could watch and do on your own or something.

    If nothing else, call up the local club and ask them where they all learned lol!
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    I've tried PD. I found it hard in the beginning; however just like anything else it takes a lot of practice. You need good upper body strength. The hardest part was trying not to get dizzy as the pole turns and you are trying to keep it still.... too funny! The best part it's a nice change from other workouts; HIIT, crossfit, etc. and it makes you feel sexy.` Another workout I tried lately is a barre sculpting booty class; ballet with an attitude - lot's of fun.
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I love pole dancing. It has mega helped to strengthen my core and made me so much stronger. You don't really need to be strong to start with, I really wasn't but it is surprising how quick your strength improves. You also don't need to be flexible. There are variations on all moves so you don't have to be able to do the splits or anything. Trust me... I can't. It is a fantastic work out though. And it helps on a night out when there's a pole if you do a few basic moves you tend to get free drinks all night :). If you have any questions add me or send me a message and I'll try to answer them :)

  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    I have been doing Pole for a little over a year now. It is so much fun! You will build muscle even if you are lifting weights because there muscles you use to do pole are usually not the ones you target in pole. For beginners it usually seems really hard but it doesn't take long to get up there. I have two left feet so every time they ad a new dance move it is hard for me to learn but ALL of it just takes practice. It is a great workout!

    My story is that I was slowly loosing weight for about a year going to the gym and doing cardio and weights and then I got stuck I lost 20 pounds in a year not ideal but not bad either. Then I wanted to try something a little more exciting so I started pole fitness and worked hard to advance as quickly as possible and ended up loosing another 25 pounds in less than 6 months.

    My only complaint is that clothing companies need to catch up with the times. I don't have a skinny waist unless I have a lot of muscle and now my arms are too full of muscles for a lot of tops that fit improved waist line.....can't wait to be back in tanks and other sleeveless tops. You won't look like a body builder per say but people will know you work out.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I have been pole dancing for about 2 years......I started it because I was bored and looking for something to keep me busy and maybe get me into shape. It seemed fun. Little did I know that one class --> turned into an absolute obsession and something I have become so passionate about! It is so much FUN!

    Now here's my question. Is this something you'd think you would stick to down the line? If you like it, of course. Pole dancing is extremely hard, and it takes years of practice and dedication to get to an advanced level. You will most likely be really sore your first class, and that's probably only going to be from doing basic spins. It helps a lot if you have a gymnastics background because a lot of the tricks and poses are very gymnastics based.

    Pole dancing is I'd say 80-90% upper body and core strength. Your shoulders will get bigger and your waist will get smaller. It also helps of course if you work out your upper body in the gym already, because you are after all lifting and holding your body weight in mid air, sometimes upside down and by only your hands.

    There's a lot of reasons why people like pole dancing, for some it is a sport and for some it's an art form. If you're solely doing it as a form of exercise, you'll be limited with what you're working on because like I said, it's majority is core and upper body strength. You'll only start to use your legs more as you get up the pole and start doing more advanced moves. It's rather simple to learn tricks, but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make those tricks look and feel flawless. There's nothing worse than being able to do something cool on the pole, yet with flexed feet and wonky lines. Professionals train hours a day for years to get as good as they are. For me, it's an art form and has truly made me love to dance and use my body more. I love getting lost on the pole to a good song. I was not an athletic kid growing up, I have no prior dance background whatsoever and only until I started pole dancing did I open my eyes to so many other forms of dance, exercise, aerial arts, etc. Now I don't pole dance to 'get fit', I cross train in the gym to help with my pole dancing! lol.

    I'd say definitely go for it. But don't be surprised if you get addicted to it like me! haha. Hope you find a good studio near you.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I currently do weight training and les mills classes for my exercise but I want to add something completely different and fun into the mix so was thinking pole dancing. I've heard it's a very good exercise but I have a few questions.

    I've seen some dancers have very bulky, almost fat upper body and arms in comparison to the rest of their body. Is this inevitabledepending on body type or can it be avoided with a clean diet and watching calories?

    I'm really really not flexible... So would PD be good for me or would does it require being very flexible to start?

    How difficult is it for a beginner? I'm quite fit but I don't know how I'd go holding my own body weight up for periods of time.

    Is this a good work out to get cut and build strength and muscles?

    Anything else I should know?

    Thanks =)

    I also forgot to reply to a few points you made...

    ^^^Jenyne Butterfly. World champion who has been pole dancing for 11 years. Eats a very clean diet and does not have bulky arms yet she's as strong as an ox. Eat right and you won't get bulky. I made that mistake over the holidays when I decided to eat whatever I want, so I gained a little fat over my muscles making them look bigger and not in a good way. Pole dancing will not make you bulky, but gaining muscle and eating crap will.

    And as far as flexibility goes, many pole dancing tricks require a lot of flexibility. But pole dancing will make you flexible, so don't feel like just because you aren't flexible you can't do it. That's like when people say they want to lose weight first before going to the gym!
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    I do. I purchased a xpole (that can and can not spin) and have been using it since november 12. I went from 163 to 152 with it and a reduced calorie diet ( at the time I would still eat my normal foods, which was mostly junk food but less) and ate only 1200 calories a day. I did 30 minutes minimum on the pole every day dancing freestyle on spin to a playlist. I would also spend 10-15 minutes everyday learning tricks and using it for specific exercises (for biceps/triceps/abs) with the pole on static(non spinning) which essentially doubled as a weight training workout.

    I still use it now for a minimum of 30 minutes 3 days a week. For the last 3 weeks I am also going to the gym 4 days a week and eating a completely healthy diet. I do cardio mainly and some weight training at the gym with a focus on strengthening my core and my joints (elbows/wrists/shoulders) I was a size 9/10 150.4lbs when I started and right now I weigh 148 but I am a size 6/7.
    Personally I believe pole is an amazing way to get into shape and push yourself. My strength and flexibility have improved substantially as well as my overall muscle and body control and balance, my hand grip strength is out of this world. which is especially important on spinner poles since you can easily spin out of control. or lose your grip. My legs are amazing and solid too. I still have a long way to go to my overall weight of 135lbs, but I am getting there using a healthy diet. pole and gym.