I NEED to be held accountable!

Hello everyone!!! I've recently moved to Japan to be a missionary and I want to take advantage of this huge change in my life and change the one thing that is SO hard for me to change, MYSELF. It is genetically hard for me to lose weight, although on the bright side it's hard for me to gain weight as well. I've been around 180 for the past 5 years now. I gained a lot of weight right before I moved but lost it all when I got to Japan. I've recently begun to eat healthier and be more intentional with my exercise but I can't do it alone! I need encouragement and motivation. I need help. My goal weight of 140 seems like wishful thinking right now. I don't really care about the number, I just want to be strong, lean and toned. The community seems really awesome here and I think that many, if not all of you, will just inspire the heck out of me and keep me going!


  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend and I would be more than willing to help motivate and support you in your journey to getting fit. Congrats on your new choices of eating healthier. Keep in touch because I'm on MFP everyday and if there is anything I can do let me know.
  • peedubb23
    peedubb23 Posts: 7 Member
    Japan, that's awesome! Lots of good food choices for a healthy lifestyle. Knowing you're not alone in achieving your goal is huge for me. I'm into my 12th day of logging in 6 pounds down and 18 to go.
  • AWESOME! it's done! After being taken away from all of my bad food in america it is quite easy to eat healthy here haha. even their unhealthy food is considered healthy in america.
    I'm a little scared to go back!
    Japan makes it SO easy to be healthy and active. With walking everywhere and eating super healthy I'm surprised I plateaued so quickly
  • yeah...I need the motivation and need to know it's working. I have such a hard time following through with things
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    If you can't find people to motivate you then try a BodyMedia FIT armband. So easy to use and helps you remain motivated by yourself. Or you could add me as a friend.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    what a lovely thing to do, I highly appreciate what you are doing in Japan...As about weight loss and accountability I am here every day so it will be my pleasure to motivate you. You can do it. Its all about calories, eat less than what you burn during the day and you will lose. Please read this link to get your numbers right, it will help you a lot, many people had success here using this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 Don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, I did that before and even I become skinny was not a nice picture. Good luck!
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    check out the movie "enter the void." that takes place in japan.
  • cjsmommy7
    cjsmommy7 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Sending friend request:smile:
    I try to log everyday try to eat healthily and exercise everyday in one form or another. Have about 20 lbs to lose in all but am on holiday in 7 weeks and would like to have lost 10lbs of it by then. So hopefully we can motivate each other!!