Looking for moms with kids....

Clover51 Posts: 37
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there. I just started today. I was previously using another site but got bored with it because it wasnt very easy to get around it. I think I will really enjoy this site. I am currently 170 and I am working toward my goal of 135. I am a stay at home mom and I have a 2, 1, and 7 month old boys so I keep pretty busy. My problem is snacking. I cant seem to stop! It is really hard for me b/c I am at home all day and in the Kitchen cooking/cleaning a big part of the day. If anyone is in a similar situation or just wants to keep in touch with someone...I am here. Have a great day and Good Luck to All!



  • Clover51
    Clover51 Posts: 37
    Hey there. I just started today. I was previously using another site but got bored with it because it wasnt very easy to get around it. I think I will really enjoy this site. I am currently 170 and I am working toward my goal of 135. I am a stay at home mom and I have a 2, 1, and 7 month old boys so I keep pretty busy. My problem is snacking. I cant seem to stop! It is really hard for me b/c I am at home all day and in the Kitchen cooking/cleaning a big part of the day. If anyone is in a similar situation or just wants to keep in touch with someone...I am here. Have a great day and Good Luck to All!

  • kris23
    kris23 Posts: 44
    I was having the same problem, you know how it is...can mom just have a bite... So I decided that everytime I go to get a snack or a bite of the boys snack, I would drink a huge glass of water and keep drinking till I didn't want it anymore. It got me to stop snacking and I drink my 100 oz.
  • elatoria
    elatoria Posts: 30
    hi stacy,
    i am in the same boat, i think. i am a stay at home mom. i have a 4 year old step-son who we get every 2 weeks and a 9 month old baby boy. i've been on this site for about 2 weeks now, and i love it! everyone is so supportive and it's very easy to keep track of your calories, exercise, etc. i'm currently 168 and want to lose about 30lbs. it's so hard! snacking is my downfall as well. when i was working it was so easy to not think about food, but like you said, now that i'm home all day i have a really hard time controlling the snacking. but this site has made a big difference in my motivation. anyway, if you want to keep in touch, i'd like that alot! your kids are beautiful! good luck to you!

  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm also a SAHM and I have the same problem with being in the kitchen and snacking so much during the day. And how do you keep track of the calories of a bite her and a spoonful there? It's not easy and those bites add up! I like Kris23's idea to drink water when she feels like snacking. I'm gonna do that--I'll probably be floating by the end of the day! :laugh:

    This is a great site and I've loved the motivation from all the members here! I also love the structure of being able to keep track of all my calories--in and out!

    Good luck, Julie
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    I stay at home with my kids, 7, 5 & 2. My problem is when I am overtired or just a bit frustrated (being at home can do that on some days!) I eat!! So, I have put the whole family on a healthy eating kick...we only have healthy snacks, and I also remind myself that I will have to count the calories from the cookie here and the bite of the kids lunch there...so I just don't do it. The days I don't get to the gym in the morning, I run up and down the stairs for 15 minutes to burn some extra calories.

    I haven't ever posted before and don't have a bio, all I really do here is log my food and exercise, but think I am at the point now that some support would be helpful :))
  • I call myself a SAHM but it seems that I'm never here! I'm new to myfitnesspal and I have decided that 199 pounds is totally unacceptable for a 38 year old mom who just wants to take her children (ages 13, 11,8 and 6) to the swimming pool and enjoy the summer! We are very busy....a military family and I am a "full time" volunteer and community advocate.

    So, here I am. I've admitted my weight and I need YOU! Thanks for accepting me as I am! I can't wait to tell you when I have lost 10 pounds!:smile:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey Stacy!

    I am a stay at home mom of a 16 month old boy and plan to try for another in the Fall sometime. I am working to get to a healthier weight by then. I am currently around 199 (weird weigh week!). I started at 270 in September and my goal weight is 135 too!! :) I don't know if I will get there before getting pregnant again but I will be a lot closer and at a healthy weight! :)

    Just have healthy snacks around! I had that problem too but I discovered that as I went along, my snacking craving lessened as I started to incorporate more satisfying meals into my diet. And, if I do want a snack, I will have a banana or hummus with crackers or even a small bowl of cereal.

    Anyway, let me know if you need anything!
  • ericas
    ericas Posts: 17
    i just started also i have 6 children at home that i home school ranging from 3months to 13 i weigh 180 want to weigh 150 maybe we can do this together my husband and kids are great support
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    There are lots of us here. I am a sahm to a one and a two year old little girls. Good luck in your weight loss journey I have been here since december 6th and am almost at 30 lbs lost!!! This really works -Heather
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I'm a SAHM plus I run a childcare business from my home. My children are 2 and 4 and I take care of 8 children ranging in the ages of 3 to 10.
    I also used to resort to my baking when feeling frustrated or tired. When the children were crying or fighting, I'd look to a cookie or a muffin to make me feel better. Unfortunately, one never did the trick and I'd end up eating 12 cookies without even realizing it. Then I'd feel horrible and try to fix that feeling with a bag of chips or bread.
    Now that the weather is warming up (a little), we will be spending more time outside and away from the kitchen. It's hard and it is always a struggle but I'm putting my health first.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I work part-time, and the days I stay home, it is hard to not snack. I'm in the kitchen a lot too! I quit buying the kids snacks that I like a lot. I also try to just have healthy snacks in the house, I never really want to pig out on baby carrots:laugh: . I also plan 3 snacks every day, between meals, so I am never really hungry. I try to have a 50 cal fudge bar every night - gives me something to look forward to and then I can say no to other stuff if I know I have that fudge bar coming later. I also found it was tougher the first few weeks and got easier as my body adjusted. Good luck!
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    Hey, I was thinking about another tip...I drink TONS of caff free tea. I buy lots of neat flavored teas (vanilla, mint, berry) add one equal packet and drink that instead of a snack. Its good...and there are so many teas that are good for you (rooibus caff free, green tea, white tea etc...)

    I know that my tea habit has helped curb my snacking habit :):smile:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    When I am at home all day and want to munch I will grab the bag of baby carrots... I will just eat to my hearts content, I find that the fill me up long before I do any real calorie damage and I get in some of my veggies for the day to. And even if I do go crazy and blow a bunch of calories I feel much less guilty and much more satisfied then if I munched on chips or candy of equal calories! I have even gotten to where I enjoy them plain so I don't have to worry about the evil calories in dip!!! And my kids love munching on them with me so it is healthy for them too.
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