What destroys a diet, and makes you gain weight again.in.

santd Posts: 234 Member
I've struggled with my weight all of my life, and lost considerable amounts of weight 4 times, but never achieving my target weight. I've always been at a loss as to why I gain weight again, when i look and feel a lot healthier than I did before? I know, because I've just hit that difficult time again, where I was 14 pounds away from target weight, but for the past 2 weeks I've really struggled with my diet and now gained over 10 pounds more.

I feel as though I'm losing all motivation, and giving up, like I have in the past. I believe this my destiny, and its pointless fighting it, history is repeating itself.



  • Penelope2738
    Penelope2738 Posts: 66 Member
    It's not destiny, it IS a struggle, and it's hard!
    Don't give up, because if you do, then you will be toast. Keep going, little by little, read the success stories, and TRY!! Try and try again. As long as you keep trying, you will be going forward. Quit, and the buck stops there. I also just hit a milestone, and then, for some reason, started eating chocolate like I haven't been counting calorie for the last month ( just joined), I think it is psychological, the comfort factor of food, not being sure how it will feel to be thinner, lighter, Different. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Add me if you like, we can do this together. Good Luck!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I believe this is my destiny

    And this is why you fail.... I don't mean to sound harsh but if you don't believe you can do it then you won't!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I believe this is my destiny

    And this is why you fail.... I don't mean to sound harsh but if you don't believe you can do it then you won't!
    Reality ^^^^
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    What do you do to lose weight? For most of my life, when I wanted to lose weight I made radical changes to my diet and exercise that I couldn't maintain, so always put the weight back on. Like, I would cut out all red meat and sweets, or go to a severe calorie restriction, or do exercise only for the period when I was "on a diet."

    What finally worked, and has continued to work for over two years now, is to eat the way I like to eat, but cut back on calories enough to lose weight, and find exercise that I do year round, all the time. For me, that exercise is running--for you, it might be something else: walking, swimming, biking, dance--just something you LIKE to do, and will continue doing. And when I cut back calories, it's to a comfortable level that I can sustain for a long time, a level where when I do go to maintenance, it's not radically different--just a few hundred more calories than what I'm eating when I'm losing.

    Think lifestyle, not "diet."

    Best of luck!
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    I don't know if this will help, but in my case it does. I have a picture of me, by the swimming pool looking rather overweight. I have that picture on the fridge and remind me sometimes to hold back.

    Remember also that losing weight and keeping it off is a way of life (as Majope said), fab diets work for a while but usually bit you back with a vengeance. Set your goals, they have to be realistic too, and stick to them. Another thing is make sure that you haven't got any "bad" food in your fridge/cupboards, if they are not there, you won't have them

    Good luck :happy:

  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice, and also the harsh kick up the backside (from a man- thanks), as well. I have changed my profile photo to my fat before picture, to remind me of what I was, to remind me how far I've come, and not to let this personal up-set to destroy everything I've done. You're all correct our personal moods do affect how we treat ourselves, and I do sometimes go into self destruct mood. This has got to stop, my husband has already gone mad at me over the week-end feeling very sorry for myself. It's what i needed.

    I know I've been suffering from hurt feelings, but got to get over it.

    I do know i need a break from work, and family life for a while though to re-charge my batteries.