Half Marathon?

So I'm new to this running thing. It was always that one thing I couldn't do, so now I really want to do it.
A couple weeks ago I ran in my first official 5k.
Now some of my friends are signing up to run a half marathon at the end of July. I have found a few 10 week training programs online that seem reasonable -- up your long weekend run by a mile each week, increase your total miles every week. I think last weekend I did about a 4 mile run. It's still a challenge for me, mentally if not physically.
Am I crazy to be thinking about doing a half marathon?
Is 10 weeks enough time to go from 3 miles to 13.1?
I would love insight and experiences from people who have done this in the past.


  • TeriB19
    TeriB19 Posts: 33
    Hi Jen!! I'm also a new runner. Well, new-ish. I started running almost exactly a year ago. I ran my first 5K in June of last year, my goal was just to finish. I did just that. I finished dead last with a time of 41.40 but I did it. After a few more 5K's I did a 10K last October. In just 2 weeks I'll be doing my first Half Marathon, the Marine Corps Historic Half. I've been training for a few weeks, upping my mileage little by little. Last Friday my running partner and I did 10 miles and I felt fantastic. It was actually kind of weird how good I felt. So NO you are NOT crazy for attempting a half, especially with 10 weeks to train. Just keep your eye on the prize, know your limits and do your best.

    I'll be running the Marine Corps Marathon this year in October and I'm CERTAIN that I've lost my mind.

  • queensara2478
    You are so NOT Crazy!!! I am running my first 1/2 marathon on Sunday! I did a 10 week training program and it worked very well. Remember to run at your comfortable pace, don't think about how fast your going just find a rythym that your comfortable with and go for it. Set yourself up with 3 time goals, the first being your "wish" goal, the time in which you would like to finish, then a realistic goal, the time you know you can finish in, and then a worst case scenario goal, the time you can finish if you need to walk.
    Good luck I know you can do it and you will love it. I ran my first 5k last July and have been addicted to running ever since.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    It TOTALLY Is enough time!! I went from 1.5 to 13.1 in 10 weeks! If I can do it, so can you. It's all about dedication and hard work, oh and not being afraid to push your body.
  • xdudeitsliz
    I read on a recent marathon's facebook wall-- first half of the race -- pace, second half of the race-- race.. meaning the first half pace yourself, second half--step it up! this is totally enough time for you to prepare!! Enjoy it. I did my first 5k on sunday and I LOVED it. I signed up for another one in 3 weeks and a 10k in 4 weeks. I am doing the last 4 weeks of a 10k training program to build up my running endurance since the 5K was kinda easy for me!! Good luck girl. YOu can do it!!!!
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    awesome! thanks all. it's good to know that people think 10 weeks is reasonable.

    i think my dad is going to do it with me! (he ran a full marathon with my sister for his 50th birthday, but has had an injury and been unable to run for a while and is just now getting back into it. i am excited!)

    like so many of the changes i've experienced with this site, i never thought i'd be able to run and this is happening so much sooner than i ever thought i could!
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    my hubby just did his first half marathon this last sunday (okc memorial) and he said absolutely not crazy...he said after 6-8 miles it is just mind over matter. 10 weeks is enough time to do it by increasing it like you said. He went from 3-13 in 12 weeks. Its all about pacing. Good for you! I'm working toward running the okc memorial run next year.
  • TeriB19
    TeriB19 Posts: 33
    awesome! thanks all. it's good to know that people think 10 weeks is reasonable.

    i think my dad is going to do it with me! (he ran a full marathon with my sister for his 50th birthday, but has had an injury and been unable to run for a while and is just now getting back into it. i am excited!)

    like so many of the changes i've experienced with this site, i never thought i'd be able to run and this is happening so much sooner than i ever thought i could!

    I was just telling my running partner tonight, I feel like I've turned a corner with my running. For the first almost full year, I ran, I lost a ton of weight but was always struggling through, but more recently, I've become really comfortable with distances. My breathing is much easier, my stride is great and I'm not nearly as tired as I had been. It may be a combination of carrying around 58 less lbs, and being able to run outside rather than inside around the track at the gym. I can run hills so much better than I could before and I actually LIKE to run now. It's amazing.

    This site is a HUGE help in my weight loss journey.