Waking up earlier/ staying awake longer= eating more!

So I used to sleep in late (like 10:30am), grab lunch and then head off to class. I'd be in bed by 11pm. My schedule has changed quite a bit over the past month or so. I now wake up around 7:30am and am in bed around midnight. This presents problems for me as I now am eating breakfast and snacking more. I find if I don't eat more than I was before, I am STARVING.

But as a result, I'm having a hard time staying within my goals.

I'm not that much more active as my additional work hours are spent sitting and due to the increased busyness, I've not really been to the gym AT ALL.

What should I do?


  • jennylee75
    it is a good thing to eat breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day! Eating more smaller, healthy meals during the day is a good way to boost your metabolism as well. Have a healthy breakfast, then go for a snack a couple hours later to sustain you til lunch, i usually go for fruit. Lunch should be your biggest meal of the day. Have another snack a couple hours after lunch to hold you down til dinner, then maybe have a little something a coulple hours after dinner if you get hungry. I wake up and go to sleep around the same time as you and i find if i stay consistant and eat 5-6 times a day and also try not to eat after 8pm, and i am satisfied. Just opt for healthy choices for snacks and watch your portions for meals.

    As for working out, if you have a desk job look for way to get in some exercise like taking the stairs or going for a walk on your lunch break

    p.s- drink lots of water
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    First off, you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. It will definitely help you lose easier. Also, what kind of eating schedule are you on? Eating every 2-3 hours works for me whether I wake up at 10 or 7:15 (my work schedule this week was monday: 8:30 so i was up at 7, tuesday 11 o'clock so i was up at 9 but didn't eat 'til 11 because i was at the gym before work, today 7:15 so i ate around 8 and probably won't eat 'til 10, tomorrow is 8:00 so up at about 6:30, friday 8:30 so up at 7). My eating usually goes:

    2 hours later - snack
    2 hours later - lunch
    3 hours later - snack
    2 hours later - snack
    2 hours later - Bed

    Reeeeally try to get more sleep and eat on a schedule rather than when you get hungry. Your body will adjust to the time between meals rather than the actual TIME you eat and you should be okay. Also, eat your way DOWN...as in, BIGGEST meal is breakfast, smaller meal for lunch, smallest meal dinner, and medium-sized snacks (fruit and string cheese, or crackers with a veggie/fruit - today I'm doing reduced fat triscuits with avocado for one snack, a carrot & ranch with diet green tea for another, and then a fiber bar for my last snack right before my work out). Doing this will cut down on your cravings and hunger LATER in the day.