Wanabebig need advice

Zeusmachine Posts: 75
edited January 18 in Food and Nutrition
Am sitting at around 185 lbs and want to break the 200-250 mark please help share your training and diets thanks


  • You look fine! hahaha Actually, you look "Sweet!" ;)
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    65 pounds of muscle? Better get on dat dere...
    65 pounds of fat? Eat 5 big macs 6 times a day every day until you are at desired weight.
  • Thank you "ltmsemergy" trouble is I don't want to be just fine haha I understand and am happy with my body I started few years ago and start weight was 125ish pounds and now 185 so am the biggist I have ever been and loving it just want to get to next level now become one of the big boys so to speak haha but thank you :)

    And to "jayche" thanks for your advice :)

    Please keep the advice coming hoping to hear from people whom are 200 pounds plus and hopefully share your diets and training plans have been sitting at this weight for few months now and finding it hard to put on more muscle mass so advice is much needed
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    My partner is currently on 3000+ calories a day and is making good strength/weight gains (he weights 95kg/190 pound I think).

    He eats a lot of hommus and olive oil dips because they are high calorie and not incredibly bad for you.

    Also full cream milk and fatty fish like salmon.

    EDIT: I think his program at the moment is heavy weight with low reps and about 5 sets, I will have to ask him later when he comes home from work.
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