Trying to understand WHY...



  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Read this book: Intuitive Eating, it will help.
    I am 100 lbs down and struggle with the same things.
    The retraining is possible, but it involves your actions more than your mind.
    Eat like the person you want to be. Everytime you act the way you want to act
    you strengthen that muscle and groove that path so it becomes more of a habit, and easier to chose that way the next time.
    But the old ways will always lurk and be something you have to fight against.
    They are well grooved part of your brain. But try to think of them as ruts, rather than the path you want to be following.
    It does get easier though.
    And yes stay away from that stuff for now.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    For a possible solution, when I got started on eating better, I first went gluten free (out of need), and then low carb (out of choice). I KNEW that I would give into temptations. I went on a major pantry purge. Any unopened packages of food (perishable or non) I gave to friends or local food pantries. For anything that was opened already or almost gone, I used up in one month. I let myself eat what I wanted in that last month and enjoyed it. After the month was up, everything left went in the trash (baked goods went to friends, but my flour dregs got tossed). There was nothing left to tempt me and so I had no excuses to have it in my house. This might be a little harder, since you face convenience of the food. However, if you make a point to have nothing like that left in your fridge or pantry, it's easier to avoid.

    Gradual substitutions also help; terra vegetable chips or pita chips instead of potato, getting a single order of Chinese food instead of opting for buffet, keep Healthy Choice snack cookies instead of Girl Scouts.

    I wish you luck! :)
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    We all slip up - next time you do, eat until you feel satisfied and then run what's left of the pizza under the tap so you don't eat the rest.
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Some of these hit home. I never thought about it, but I do tend to binge more when I've had a good week or I've goten alot of compliments. Maybe a diary would help. If I write down what I am thinking when I am eating!
  • mandysan
    mandysan Posts: 3
    I want you to know, You are not alone. This is called insanity. I have it where food is concerned. I certainly relate to the alcoholic, because I never have even once gotten sick from overeating. I too have eaten food that didn't taste good. I have eaten when I wasn't hungry. I have to believe that our mind can and will change the way we think about food. I do not believe that will just happen. It will be a training process. I sometimes get frustrated when I am so tempted by my favorites. I cry out to God and say 'When is this burning desire going to stop?' One day it occured to me the answer. He said, I gave you a spirit of self control and you are able to exercise it. Your burning desires will cease when you have said NO to yourself enough times to get over it. I am not there yet, but I am able to sometimes get through the store, or my day, or my task without thinking on my drug of choice. I hope this helps, it certainly helps me to share. You help me when you share your thoughts.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    don't know why it happens to me too, and that is mostly with potatoes. when i'm having a meal in hospital cafeteria, they hand you already served plate, and sometimes i would eat all the rice, every piece of potato( even if i had planned to stop the rice at half and eat other vegetables , not the potato) and end up being feeling like a beached whale:grumble: . albeit , after joining MFP it has reduced but i have to remain vigilant. at home when it is a big pot of something, i usually do not bring the pot to table, measure and load my dish at kitchen and sit at the table.
    p.s. don't fret , you are not alone, falling of the wagon once in a while is just normal, be sure to get back on it many of us are emotional eaters and are trying to keep food away from comfort, we should also try to keep food away from guilt.few extra calories and some bad fat... one sure can work that away and remain on the track. best of luck:flowerforyou:
  • peppytwist
    peppytwist Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for the support and ideas!

    I have a lot of unhealthy habits to break. I need to keep reminding myself that I didn't learn them overnight so I can't expect to unlearn them in a short time either. I just need to stick with it and keep trying to improve.

    "I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get, But I’m better than I used to be"