I get discrouraged when I look at my ideal weight....



  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    A colleague of mine who is an endocrinologist and weight loss specialist says that the first step is to stop gaining weight, so congratulations, you are already past that!

    I am doing Weight Watchers this time, and the thing I love about it is that they encourage you to set small goals. So for example, my starting weight was 239.6. My first "big" goal is to lose 5% of my body weight, or 12 pounds. That's it, 12 pounds. Way, way, WAY more doable than looking at the total I want to lose, which is in the vicinity of 75 pounds.

    After I hit my 5%, I will then set a new goal, which will be to hit 10% of starting weight lost, or 24 pounds. My next goal after that will be to see Onederland, and so on and so on. So my advice is set small goals, even a goal to lose 5 pounds is good because you just feel so darn encouraged when you get there.

    Good luck, and congratulations on your success so far.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    If I were you, I'd listen to Celeigh12.....she DID lose 155 pounds.

    ^ Yep. :drinker: Wow.

    You can do this. One day. Each day. Time will pass... you will get where you're going if you just aim in the right direction.

    Aw, thanks! And, OP, you're welcome to friend me! Live life like the person you want to be and you can't help but get there.
  • Candi0386
    I'm in the same boat. I have to lose half of my body weight to have a healthy BMI (I'm 5'7"). I just started this journey last week and my first weigh-in is tomorrow. My motivation has been, "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday." I'm doing the right things and trusting that the scale and my measurements will respond positively. Set mini goals too. Instead of looking at the large number, break it down and reward yourself with a massage or pedicure when you reach the mini goals. That's my plan. Like I said, this is my first week and I already dropped my belt down a notch! Focus on non-scale victories like that. It really helps motivate me. Feel free to add me. I wasn't on here to add friends but knowing someone is in the same boat as me helps me row harder. LOL! :happy:
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I can fully understand that I lost almost 100lb's and then gained it all back and more because of that obsession with the scales. I look back at the photo's of me when I stopped and gave up and get so mad at myself because I looked amazing (for me anyway!). This time I am looking at more than just the weight on the scales. I've taken measurements and body fat %. My ultimate goal is to have a healthy body fat %.

    I agree with those who say break it down. I've just hit my 10% change which was great. There are so many mini milestones that you will hit along the way. Also, maybe you'll never hit that final number but the closer you are to it the healthier you will be.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I seems like a huge undertaking I know, but you have started the process. Make mini Goals instead. Make weekly goals that will help you towards your over all goal' For example: week 1- try a new healthy food, exercise 3 times a week for 30 min, and drink 1 extra glass of water a day. This is a good way to start all of these goals are good for the long term but are easy to reach.

    set mini goals9Weekly specific goals)
    set mid length goals (X #s in 6 weeks)
    set long term goals-semi broad (should be a result of mid and mini goals- can even be rewards like fitting into a certain shirt)
    set an ultimate goal- Broad goal ( healthy and my ideal weight)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I don't spend much time at all thinking about weighing 130. I just focus on my new lifestyle, which involves eating healthier, eating less and moving more. I will have to continue to do those even if I make goal weight.

    My weight is stuck at 201, so some days it seems pretty likely that I won't ever make my goal weight. but I keep plugging away, I still have salad for lunch, I still get up at 6am to workout.