How do we know how many calories burned when doing P90X

What is the best way to know how many calories burned when doing P90X?


  • jorgele
    jorgele Posts: 33 Member
    I wear a heart rate monitor that shows my calorie burn, I average 700-1000 calories burned per hour depending on what p90x workout i do. There are other factors like knowing your target heart rate, and how hard you push during your workouts......hope this helps, good luck with your goals.
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
    What is the best way to know how many calories burned when doing P90X?

    Getting a HRM that uses a chest strap is the only way to get a close-to accurate number. Don't go off anyone else's number because there are way too many y variables and we all burn at different rates.
  • Momof52010
    Momof52010 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you. :)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Simple steps 

    1\ Figure out how many calories you are burning through HRM or the website below..

    2\ Go to Exercise tab up top then click on My Exercises link right below the Exercise tab. 

    3\ Press the green Create Exercise button which will take you to a new page. 

    4\ Now here you enter the information for the exercise, there are 4 spaces fill them like the example below. 

    Exercise Description: P90X Chest & Back 
    Exercise Type. : Cardiovascular 
    How long. : 55. ( based on how long the DVD is or how long you lasted) 
    Calories Burned. : 428 (this number you obtained from step 1) 

    5\ Add Exercise 

    I hope this helps the people who are lost or confused, these instruction are for the web based interface and not the Mobile app, I can make one set of instruction for that too if someone needs it.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    if you need more help we have a nice group with a lot of information.
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    Heart rate monitor is the only way to go in my opinion. When I have checked out some of the "p90x calories burned calculators" out there they were estimating easily 3-4 times what I am actually burning. And since I eat back my exercise calories that would be a huge issue if I did not go by my heart rate monitor. :)