I thought it would come off faster...

Ok...I have lost 10 pounds in 3.5 weeks and almost 10 inches...I am obese and was only eating 800-900 calories a day prior to joining in march.. When I started...I was doing 1200-1400... And felt like I was starving! I am doing cardo 45 mins on the bike...my PT thought the weight should be pouring off me...so I did research on line and found that post on here about being obese and only eating 700/800'calories a day...so that is when I upped my calories to 1740... Still have not seen the scale move...has this happened to anyone? I told my hubby I wouldn't step on the scale till 4/19... But of course I have and no movement...am I crazy? Thanks


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Have you tried taking comparison pictures or measurements? Sometimes when I don't see a difference on the scale, I will take a picture for comparison or measure myself. Most of the time the scale won't show the difference that pictures and measurements can show.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    What kinds of foods are you eating?
    Are you eating whole foods, unprocessed, unrefined sugars?
    Are you drinking enough water?
    Are you sleeping enough?
    When did you have blood work last to test thyroid etc?
    Weight loss is SO MUCH MORE than just the amount of calories....
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Ok...I have lost 10 pounds in 3.5 weeks and almost 10 inches...I am obese and was only eating 800-900 calories a day prior to joining in march.. When I started...I was doing 1200-1400... And felt like I was starving! I am doing cardo 45 mins on the bike...my PT thought the weight should be pouring off me...so I did research on line and found that post on here about being obese and only eating 700/800'calories a day...so that is when I upped my calories to 1740... Still have not seen the scale move...has this happened to anyone? I told my hubby I wouldn't step on the scale till 4/19... But of course I have and no movement...am I crazy? Thanks

    10 pounds in 3.5 weeks is a great loss. Anyone who thinks the weight should be "pouring off of you" faster than that has been watching too much The Biggest Loser.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    That sounds like a good place to start with calories. Do one thing for at least 4 weeks. 1-2 pounds of loss per week is best.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    There could be a lot of things going on hun.
    I think you're initial calorie goals were way too low, your secondary ones seem pretty right on to what I would suggest (NOT insinuating I'm licensed to say so.) There's a lot of factors that come into play, and here are just a few that mattered for me, to maybe give you ideas of similar reflections in your own journey:
    White carbs are the devil for me, I am Type2. Switching to whole grains did wonders, and even those I trying to keep under 160 a day.
    Weight lifting...not to say it's BETTER than cardio, but the 'more muscle means more calories burned' really helps, especially when you are starting out obese like I did at 352 pounds. I didn't have uscle, because I didn't do anything and my met rate was only like...needing 800 calories a day. Now my met rate says I need 1560...because I've put on about 15 pounds of muscle.
    Sodium...If I go out to eat I don't bloat for hours, I bloat for DAYS. I went to taco bell today due to it...being there between my three jobs and I will not get on the scale until next week. Now note..I have a sodium sensitivity.

    I know it can be frustrating to not see the scale going down (I've been at 215 now for almost three months, but I've been cheating o.x) but it WILL happen for you. It's a matter of finding out what works with your body.

    Your PDoc can be an absolute life saver when changing lifestyles. She can suggest your calories and macros based on your blood work and how your body processes food. :)

    Best of luck in your journey.

    P.s. I just read 10 pounds in 3.5 WEEKS when I thought I saw MONTHS. That is fantastic! :) Very healthy.
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    My story is very similar to yours. They suggest two pounds a week is a healthy loss. I think the hardest part for me is patience. I always have to remind myself I did not get like this over night. And do not want all the flab of a quick weight loss. Water is a must. I went to look at your diary to see if I could help further, but it is closed. Feel free to add me if you like and we inspire each other to not give up and be patient. :)
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    10 pounds in 3.5 weeks is a great loss. Anyone who thinks the weight should be "pouring off of you" faster than that has been watching too much The Biggest Loser.

    This. Two pounds a week is a healthy and safe weight loss for someone with over 100 pounds to lose. One of the other things about having this much to lose is that you need to focus on a target that is sustainable over the long term. It's not going to be a quick process. You didn't gain 100 pounds overnight, and the weight isn't going to come off that fast. You have had a great loss. Relax and keep going.
  • jclucal
    jclucal Posts: 1
    Congrats on getting healthy! As everyone mentioned, 10 lobs in 3.5 weeks is amazing! I myself was having a very hard time losing weight. I was at the gym everyday, doing cardio and was losing nothing! I recently started a bootcamp/crossfit program (for muscle confusion) and seriously modified my diet and the weight has been coming off at a steady pace. I found (for me at least) that I needed to cut out or down simple carbs (sorry but no bread, pasta, rice, etc). I do allow myself some per day but try to keep it to quinoa or a serving of cereal (basically 1 or 2 servings a day). I also upped my protein to anywhere between 60g-90g per day. I've also limited my alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks on the weekend (keeping it to wine or vodka soda water).
    Along with the weights I have also kept the cardio (Zumba and running). Again, as soon as I changed my diet and upped the weights they lbs started to come off! It's not easy and my life is not as "fun" as it was. But losing weight and feeling good is worth the sacrifice :)
    Good luck :)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You have lost a huge amount of weight and inches in a few weeks. What's the problem?

    We don't lose linearly. We lose in chunks, then stay for a few weeks, then lose again. It has a rhythm to it and it doesn't always make sense. Keep to a REASONABLE number of calories (if you're exercising that much, definitely more than you're eating) and eat back your exercise calories. Exercise to keep and build muscle instead of losing it. Burn fat.

    In addition, weight loss at the beginning is mostly water. It takes time for fat and muscle to go.

    Relax. Keep at it. Be sensible. You have a life of doing this ahead of you. I wish you could snap your fingers (or even work like a dog) and have it happen at once. It doesn't. It's a long, slow slog.
  • danamarie262
    You should absolutely NOT be eating 800 calories a day. That is far too few and you will screw up your metabolism and that can take a long time to fix. Your body will freak out and think it is in a "famine" and hold onto any fat it can for survival. You need to be eating more, and more often to fire up your metabolism. Did you meet with a nutritionist?
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    It's boring, isn't it? And it sucks. But it's the way to go, one or two pounds a week, and stick to it for the long term.I've lost about 45 pounds in this last year, especially since October when I got serious. It's slow but more likely to give good results.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    10 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks? You should be congratulating yourself - That's almost 3 lbs a week -- Nothing to sneeze at...

    I don't know what your diary looks like so can't comment on what or how much of anything you are eating but whatever you are doing is apparently working - the process just takes time and perseverance.

    Part of the process you should be working on is making sure that you are creating healthy changes that you can sustain and live with once you get to where you are going.

    Also, here is an article that explains the starvation mode/too little calorie thing in better detail ... you all can come to your own conclustions.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    My story is very similar to yours. They suggest two pounds a week is a healthy loss. I think the hardest part for me is patience. I always have to remind myself I did not get like this over night. And do not want all the flab of a quick weight loss. Water is a must. I went to look at your diary to see if I could help further, but it is closed. Feel free to add me if you like and we inspire each other to not give up and be patient. :)

    I like your post, a lot. I don't have much I want to lose, but this has been a very good reminder. :) Patience is key.