Correcting a binge weekend?

hey everyone, i was wondering what the best way to go about correcting a binge is? I made the mistake of having a few drinks on Friday and Saturday night, cutting way into my calorie overages... and I had some pizza to boot. I forced myself to count it to see how "bad" my violations were, and on both days I was about 350-500 over my limit. (I told you it was bad!)

anyway, I know that everyone slips up sometimes but what's the best way to go about correcting this? Should I set a lower limit for the next few days and be really stringent about it?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Well, when you get to 3500 calories over your can add 1 pound to your frame and call it a binge. 500 calories is a snack.
  • torymichaels
    While it's nothing to write home about, trust me when I say 3-500 over for a couple of days isn't going to kill you. Yes, you might consider trying to be a little under your calories for a few days, but if you don' don't. Just pick yourself back up and keep working on it. Keep in mind, a pound is 3500 calories. Worst case scenario, you cut into the deficit you're trying to create by less than half a pound. And you're not going to 'gain' weight as long as you don't go over again on a regular basis. It just might 'slow' your loss down. Less than half a pound. For one week.
  • ksurya89
    ksurya89 Posts: 4 Member
    Ohhh okay. I didn't realize 3500 was a pound. Sorry if I sound really dumb, all of this is pretty new to me. Taking it as a learning process, thanks for the help and perspective :)
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    I'm curious to hear what people say because I don't really know.

    I had this issue as well, on Wednesday. What I did was Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and today I exercised a bit more than usual and then did not allow myself to eat back the calories. I worked out that on Wednesday I ate AT LEAST 600 over (more but I quit tracking after a while) so I tried to eat at my regular deficit and then less an extra 150-200 per day to make up for Wednesday.

    The only problem was it didn't always work because I got hungry each night and some days I caved and had an extra snack.

    So if other people have better solutions I'd love to hear them!
  • blwenz
    blwenz Posts: 16
    Ohhh okay. I didn't realize 3500 was a pound. Sorry if I sound really dumb, all of this is pretty new to me. Taking it as a learning process, thanks for the help and perspective :)

    Nothing to feel dumb about. We all start somewhere. If you have a question just ask and someone out there I gaurantee has been where you are at, and that is why we are here... To help each other out.
  • justineismoney
    justineismoney Posts: 29 Member
    Binges happen. I say brush it off, clean up the diet, and exercise if you can. The key to life is balance so torturing yourself for going over calories is not going to help.
  • Roxyann
    Roxyann Posts: 35
    My doctors have given me 1 day a week to eat what every I want as long as it is not over 100 calories more than I get. By doing this I stay with in my calories the rest of the week. When I do my walking I add another 5 minutes a day to make up for it. Plan a head for ways to workout for it before the day you plan to eat something not go for you.There will always be days we make mistakes, that is what they call being human.
  • emobarbie7
    I have my cheat nights and tend to go over by 300 aprox on occasion, so I eat 100 less for a couple of days to make up for it...or if I know I am going to have a high calorie day due to a family gathering/celebration, I eat less calories than needed throughout the week so I have extra to eat on a certain day. As long as my weekly intake is in check I am fine.
  • here
    here Posts: 69
    Tomorrow is a new day. Just proceed as planned and have a work out.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Today is my birthday, so I too had a binge weekend. I had planned it so did a little extra exercise today so it was only 60 over after burning 600 calories, but yesterday was over 500 over limit with exercise. I am not worrying about it. I enjoyed the weekend and will get back on track this week. It is okay to occasionally enjoy a meal or so as long as it does not become a regular habit. I look at it as survival in a new lifestyle that will help me keep on track. special meals, special days, and an occasional treat are a part of life.