Natural And Organic Food--on a diet?

laradean Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I find that when I eat natural food, organic or simply without preservatives, that I feel a lot better! Less sodium or something. I just found this interesting guide of all natural low calorie food and recipes. Cool!


  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    Thanks so much for sharing, I just joined the site! I'm a natural/organic girl myself and I definitely feel a big difference when I eat a "clean" diet. I have a theory too...when you eat a clean diet and not putting a bunch of artificial flavors/colors/sweeteners/chemicals/antibiotics/hormones etc. into our bodies, our liver does not have to work so hard to break all of that stuff down and can concentrate on doing the job it's supposed to be doing and that's breaking down the fat in our bodies. If the liver gets overloaded trying to process the junk, it doesn't have time to do what it should be doing and that fat that doesn't get broken down by the liver just sits in our bodies.

    I'm no doctor, so I don't know exactly how true this is. This is sort of how a nutritionist once explained it to me and it made sense to me. Regardless of how accurate it is, I like the concept :)
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