Planning for a Liquid and Solid Fast

With Easter weekend coming up and part of my personal commitment and sacrifice to God is to fast from Midnight Easter Friday till Noon Sunday I was hoping to get some ideas on how to plan my calories for the rest of the week in order to cover these 60 hours. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in Advance.


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    With Easter weekend coming up and part of my personal commitment and sacrifice to God is to fast from Midnight Easter Friday till Noon Sunday I was hoping to get some ideas on how to plan my calories for the rest of the week in order to cover these 60 hours. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in Advance.

    Is it a water fast or what type of fast? If it is liquids, make sure that when you break it that you do NOT just start want to break with probably some soup with mainly broth, maybe with a few crackers. Then see how your body reacts, wait about 2 hours before you take in maybe something light say a pb&j sandwich or the like, wait another 2 hours to decide if you want something more. I do a fresh fruit juice/green smoothie fast the 1-8 of every month; the main thing is knowing how to break your fast...eating heavy food or sweets can send to DUMPING badly!!!

    ETA: Why worry about the Normally going into the fast, trying to "make-up" by eating extra will only make you hungry going into the fast...and trying to overeat after the fast will only make you sick! There is NO "calorie prep" if you are going to DO, then DO it!