Why are my abs the last to go?

sheri3762 Posts: 159
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm really getting frustrated!! I have lost about 7 inches off my abs, but in the last 2 months, nothing!! I've lost everywhere else, but for some reason, by abs just will not budge!!! I've tried every ab workout I could find and still, nothing!! any suggestions? Would my diet affect this? A friend of mine told me to cut back on the carbs because they go striaght to the gut...is that true? My carbs are already under what I can have and I don't want to cut them any further, its too hard!!! I'm only eating good carbs (most of the time) anyway. I have to get fitted for a dress in a bout 4 weeks and i really thought I'd lose a bit more in the ab area by now. Another thing I'm wondering about is the fact that I've had surgery 4 times on my stomach area, and had a C- section that was the old up and down cut. Could this prevent me from getting the tone back in this area? I've always wondered if that would be a problem for me. Mabye I'm just never going to be able to have a flat stomach again. Does anyone know about this? Really depressing!


  • franic12
    franic12 Posts: 1
    Yoga and pilates girl. I promise it works, but you have to stick with it. Keep up your good eating habits and add a tough, rigorous yoga or pilates routine an hour a day.
    You can't spot reduce, but if you add this on top of cardio and strength training, you will start to build the kind of lean muscle that dancers have, not bulky abs under a layer of fat like you get from crunches and "ab workouts".
    If you are like me, and get bored with yoga and pilates, high energy dancing would work too, but you need to stay focused on your abs and I find that hard to do.
    Good luck, if you stick with it for a week I promise you will see enough of a result that you will want to keep it up. And if all else fails, hula hooping is pretty fun and has the benefit of cardio and ab isolation, but you will get results WAY quicker with some hard core yoga.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Yes, I agree with Franic. Stop doing so much ab work moves. All you will do is build the muscle under the fat and make them even bigger. Obviously don't quit altogether, but don't think that doing more and more crunches will get you smaller abs. Though you cannot spot reduce fat, cardio, cardio, cardio is the best fat burner. And yoga/pilates will help with toning rather than building muscle as well. And they really focus on keeping your core tight which is why they are especially good for abs.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Depending on what sort of ab exercises you are doing you could be actually building muscle which would explain why you have similar measurements e.g. I have been doing pretty heavy (for me) squats for about 6 months now and basically my core muscles are worked a lot in these and I think I actually have more protruding stomach than I did before. Same weight and same measurements.

    As others have said, can't spot reduce. As they say abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym :P Keep on track with the diet, do cardio/hiit and chuck in an ab workout every now and then if you want (I just like doing them :P) and you should see results theoretically. In saying that, unfortunately genetics plays a role as well and not everyone is destined to have a 6 pack :) Got to try though I figure.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Depending on what sort of ab exercises you are doing you could be actually building muscle which would explain why you have similar measurements e.g. I have been doing pretty heavy (for me) squats for about 6 months now and basically my core muscles are worked a lot in these and I think I actually have more protruding stomach than I did before. Same weight and same measurements.

    As others have said, can't spot reduce. As they say abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym :P Keep on track with the diet, do cardio/hiit and chuck in an ab workout every now and then if you want (I just like doing them :P) and you should see results theoretically. In saying that, unfortunately genetics plays a role as well and not everyone is destined to have a 6 pack :) Got to try though I figure.
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