Food at night

I know that it doesn't matter when you eat your calories, so that isn't what this question is about. My question is what do you eat before you go to bed to keep from waking up hungry? Or is it just me? I am hungry starting about midnight even when I have a healthy snack around 8 or 9. Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night, which is really bad because I'm not as good about making healthy choices half asleep. Thanks in advance for any advice. :)


  • JoyBelle26
    I have the same problem! I use to be REALLY bad about every night I would wake up maybe more than once and eat something! I started drinking a full bottle of water before I go to sleep and I actually started eating my dinner around 7.I noticed that if I ate later than that that I would wake up hungry- odd I know. I think that the eatting before bed actually got my metabolism going so then I would get hungry later. Good luck!