Made fun by friends, and wanting to lose some lbs



  • I weigh 165 but my BF is still higher than I want it to be. I need to cut down to 150 and and start going back up. Probably going to try to hit 175-180 over the course of a year and a half and see... Weight isn't a good measure of health or physique.

    I wish I was heavier and a lower body fat %.

    I hope I can lower my body fat % too.. :) I didn't know that I was a skinny fat 'til Taunto told me so.. Thx for your help Taunto !!
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??
    Carbs / Protein / Fats
    I don't know your BMR but you could just eat at maintenance and see how you feel. I'd start doing 2 days a week compound lifts and maybe 2 other days you could just add some sort of fun cardio you enjoy, dancing, rollerblading, ninja fighting.. etc.

    I think if you put on some lean muscle mass and even stayed the same weight you could still get the physique you're looking for without having to cut your calories down.

    How can you give out percentages without knowing her calories?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??
    Carbs / Protein / Fats
    I don't know your BMR but you could just eat at maintenance and see how you feel. I'd start doing 2 days a week compound lifts and maybe 2 other days you could just add some sort of fun cardio you enjoy, dancing, rollerblading, ninja fighting.. etc.

    I think if you put on some lean muscle mass and even stayed the same weight you could still get the physique you're looking for without having to cut your calories down.
    I think this gentleman is being a bit too nice and trying to be helpful. Which of course is nice however since he doesn't know your numbers, I think you might wanna refer to what Sara is saying instead.

    As a starter, I made it a habit to question ANYONE who gave me advice. Including knowledgeable folks Sara. I had to educate myself. Ask people for how they're coming up with these suggestion.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??
    Carbs / Protein / Fats
    I don't know your BMR but you could just eat at maintenance and see how you feel. I'd start doing 2 days a week compound lifts and maybe 2 other days you could just add some sort of fun cardio you enjoy, dancing, rollerblading, ninja fighting.. etc.

    I think if you put on some lean muscle mass and even stayed the same weight you could still get the physique you're looking for without having to cut your calories down.

    How can you give out percentages without knowing her calories?

    my BMR is 1375.8 :)
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??
    Carbs / Protein / Fats
    I don't know your BMR but you could just eat at maintenance and see how you feel. I'd start doing 2 days a week compound lifts and maybe 2 other days you could just add some sort of fun cardio you enjoy, dancing, rollerblading, ninja fighting.. etc.

    I think if you put on some lean muscle mass and even stayed the same weight you could still get the physique you're looking for without having to cut your calories down.
    I think this gentleman is being a bit too nice and trying to be helpful. Which of course is nice however since he doesn't know your numbers, I think you might wanna refer to what Sara is saying instead.

    As a starter, I made it a habit to question ANYONE who gave me advice. Including people like Sara. I had to educate myself. Ask people for how they're coming up with these suggestion.

    Thank you so much for your advice, Taunto.. :D
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You can take general body building principals and apply them and see how the person responds to them after 2-3 weeks and adjust accordingly.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/

    How many calories are you eating in total on average each day.
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/

    How many calories are you eating in total on average each day.

    about 1000 calories I guess.. why ??
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You shouldn't eat under your BMR.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/

    How many calories are you eating in total on average each day.

    about 1000 calories I guess.. why ??

    That is very low for a person of your age. I would love it if you could get that up higher, which will be even more important if you start to do some resistance training.

    I would suggest slowly increasing your calories by 100 or so a week for a couple of weeks, sit there for a couple of weeks and then up again for a couple of weeks until you get to at least 1,400. You should still be losing weight at that level of calorie intake.

    How much weight have you lost over the last say 4 weeks at that intake? Do you do any cardio?
  • H!

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/

    How many calories are you eating in total on average each day.

    about 1000 calories I guess.. why ??

    That is very low for a person of your age. I would love it if you could get that up higher, which will be even more important if you start to do some resistance training.

    I would suggest slowly increasing your calories by 100 or so a week for a couple of weeks, sit there for a couple of weeks and then up again for a couple of weeks until you get to at least 1,400. You should still be losing weight at that level of calorie intake.

    How much weight have you lost over the last say 4 weeks at that intake? Do you do any cardio?

    ok I'm gonna try..
    I lost about 4.5 lbs in 1 and half weeks.. I do cardio whenever I want to.. like walking and doing 45 minutes aerobics.. :) what do you think ??
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I'm all about the healthy fats. Keeps everything working in the body + makes foods taste awesome + may help extend a more linear weight loss curve... maybe.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I randomly wasn't hungry for a few days and was hitting around 1200 calories.. dropped 4 lbs in like 3 days. It's not good to drop weight quickly because it's not just fat that you lose... your body will sometimes cannibalize muscle before fat. Some people when they're close to their ideal weight they can get leaner without losing weight and perhaps GAINING weight. Muscle as you know is denser than fat so it takes up less space. You may be 1-2 lbs heavier, but you could also lose 1-2 inches... I think that's what you're trying to achieve.

    Extreme dieting will keep you skinny fat. You're looking more for body re-composition than just weight loss
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, it's time you traded those 'friends'in for some new ones...
    ofcourse friends should be honest if they are worried about yourhealth, but if they give
    you a bad feeling about yourself dump them.... have the confidence to stand up for yourself
    your worth it... real friends dont go out of their way to make you feel uncomfortable....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Your weight loss goal is a little on the low side. As taunto has mentioned, looking at body fat% is a much better way to go and doing some strength training can really help with keeping to a healthy weight but looking 'tight and firm'. I understand that you may have a small frame and that there is cultural pressure to be very slim, but if you are 'firm', you should feel much more comfortable to wear tight clothes.

    Your goal weight is in the underweight category per the BMI. Now, the BMI is not that good for individuals as it uses a sample population as its base, and you may not fall in the parameters for that with your frame, but it is an indicator that your goal weight may be too low. This is why using body fat % is a much better assessment, as it a better indicator of how lean you are.

    ETA: I checked out your blog and I am not trying to be mean here or anything, but if the meal plan you have on it is what you are eating, that is just not enough for an active young woman. Please do not sacrifice your health trying to lose weight too quickly. You really do not have to eat that little to lose body fat.

    Thank you very much for your concern.. :D I love to be criticized.. :) so according to you, what meal plan and workout should I do ??

    Do you have access to a gym?

    No I don't since I'm still in High School and I don't have enough time and money to go there.. Gym isn't common here.. do you have any suggestion about muscle gaining workouts that I can do at home ??

    There are DVDs that you can do. I am not sure what is available. There is also a good book (and app) called "You are your own gym" that has a lot of examples of exercises that you can do with either your body weight or household items. The book is better than the app, but the app is good.

    What is the average gross calories you are currently eating at?

    What do you mean by gross calories ?? :/

    How many calories are you eating in total on average each day.

    about 1000 calories I guess.. why ??

    That is very low for a person of your age. I would love it if you could get that up higher, which will be even more important if you start to do some resistance training.

    I would suggest slowly increasing your calories by 100 or so a week for a couple of weeks, sit there for a couple of weeks and then up again for a couple of weeks until you get to at least 1,400. You should still be losing weight at that level of calorie intake.

    How much weight have you lost over the last say 4 weeks at that intake? Do you do any cardio?

    ok I'm gonna try..
    I lost about 4.5 lbs in 1 and half weeks.. I do cardio whenever I want to.. like walking and doing 45 minutes aerobics.. :) what do you think ??

    That is too fast to be honest. I would try to keep your cardio to a minimum (walking is fine). You should be able to up your calories by quite a lot and still lose weight. As I mentioned above however, I would do this slowly. Add 100 every week as I suggested but also limit your cardio and try to see if you can get that app I mentioned (You Are Your Own Gym). One addition I would add to my suggestion is that when you get to the 1,400 calories, sit there for 2 weeks and then up again by 100 a week for 2 weeks. At that point you should reassess.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I FORGOT! My friend told me Nike Fitness app is amazing... it kind of is.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    My question to you is: Are losing more weight because YOU think you need to or because of what your friends say? I think 116 is plenty low enough for someone your height. I'm only 5'0" and I wouldn't want to weigh less than that. Do what you know to be healthy and tell your "friends" to worry about their own bodies and leave yours alone.

    That said, If YOU are not happy with your appearance then the body weight exercises Sarauk recommended will likely help you along.