This is so hard!!!!



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Thank you all for your input. I know I need to change my mindset. I know. So after giving this some thought, here's what I will try to do:

    Enter my own food, meals and recipes into the diary. That means weights of each ingredient so that MFP can accurately calculate calories.
    I will log every singe thing I eat/ drink
    I am going to try 60 minutes at night ( after the kids are down) to exercise........I'm going to try
    I'm definitively going to have smaller portions and drink more water.

    I really want to do this.

    Sounds good! Remember, don't eat too little, either. Net at least 1200, and you might want to net higher. Many people do. A lot of people start starving themselves to lose the weight faster and then suddenly find themselves not losing any because their body is clinging to calories for (literally) dear life. If you have a deficit of 500 calories a day, you should lose a pound a week. Slow and steady wins the race and keeps it off.
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    When you want it bad enough you will do it...once you set your mind to it..there will be no stopping you. Only then will you begin to see the results. You have to want it in order to succeed at it!!
  • juliekins64
    juliekins64 Posts: 125 Member
    Try googling playground exercises for ideas you can do while your kids are awake plus you'll end up taking them to the park more often.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I couldn't have lost weight without exercise, although I know some people can. I have 2 young kids (age 1 and 3), I work part time as a secondary school teacher and my husband works shifts. I still find the time to workout 5 or 6 times a week because it's important to me.

    I used to eat 1200 a day and increased to 1500 and have continued to lose and in fact I'm now as thin as I was 10 years ago.

    So, basically eat a little more and exercise more!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I've been battling to lose weight for nearly a year. I have no discipline when it come to dieting. Joined weigh less.....didn't work
    Joined the gym....didn't work. I completely suck at this.
    I have two small kids and I work in an operating theatre. I feel like all my good intentions and planning are for nought.
    I'm supposed to eat 1200 cal a day and I'm using the app religiously. But the results are slow.
    I haven't really added my own foods either. Maybe I'm doing this wrong....

    I really need inspiration and motivation.
    If there's anyone out there going through the same thing, let me know

    1200 calories a day is not enough (don't feel like getting into the specifics, do a search of the forums and read up on why 1200 is too few). Bump up your calories to at least between 1300-1600, it's healthier and more sustainable. Toss out the idea of 'diet' and all the restrictions that come along with 'diets'. Such as 'this food is bad, don't eat that, avoid this'. Instead eat a healthy variety of foods with small rewards and treats....just stay in your calorie goal! Log every single bite, drink water, get some exercise. And stay consistent!!!!.....nobody knows better than me how being good all week but then WAY over indulging on the weekends is counterproductive!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,037 Member
    Anything worth doing is hard.

    Results don't come after a couple days.

    And odds are, you're not eating enough.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Eat more. 1200 is probably not sufficient for your body.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thank you all for your input. I know I need to change my mindset. I know. So after giving this some thought, here's what I will try to do:

    Enter my own food, meals and recipes into the diary. That means weights of each ingredient so that MFP can accurately calculate calories.
    I will log every singe thing I eat/ drink
    I am going to try 60 minutes at night ( after the kids are down) to exercise........I'm going to try
    I'm definitively going to have smaller portions and drink more water.

    I really want to do this.

    It's great you're going to log your food. In the beginning it can be time consuming, but if you keep the foods simple, it is easier.
    Once you have your frequently eaten foods in your database, it's just a few clicks and you're done. I highly suggest cooking on the weekend, or whenever you have a day off. then portioning it out. or at least use the crock pot for several meals.

    If you're having a recipe you have often, it's worth using the recipe calculator, but there are tons of recipes already in the database.

    Try to think about what keeps you full. Protein? Fiber?
    Can you be satisfied with a shake with whey powder for example, or do you need to chew your food?
    When you have a craving, is it important for it to be the real thing, like ice cream with a small portion?
    Or can you be happy with frozen yogurt instead so you can have more?
    Try to focus on maximizing the flavor that's important you you.

    Last, try to anticipate which foods you'll be craving and possibly when.
    Research healthier options. There's a way to make any recipe healthier. switch in whole grain, lower fat options, lower sugar options, even vegan options.

    For the workouts, if you're not working out at all, 60 mins it probably too much of a time commitment right now, especially at night, when you're likely very tired and likely to procrastinate. If possible, many people have more success exercising early in the day, before life gets in the way or procrastination sets in.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Also, there is no try. I've been 'trying' to lose this weight since my oldest was born. He just started puberty.
    Face palm. Turns out most of this time I'm just researching and not really doing the work.
    It's never too late, but make sure you're really DOING.

    Match your fitness goals with reality and nutrition.
    If your goal is fat loss. Expect a small amount of muscle loss too.
    To minimize this, lift weights. Not just circuit training, but really challenging weights for you.
    If it is the right weight, you can't lift it more than 8-12 times.
    Then make sure you're eating enough protein.
    Lift and eat 30% or more of your cals from protein, to minimize the muscle loss.