How much exercise is too much?

I know it would vary slightly from person to person, but is there a generally accepted average on what is the *best* amount of exercise per week?

I remember reading something about how after a certain point, exercise isn’t as effective, but I can’t remember what that point was. Am sure it was like an average of 30 mins, or 60 mins a day and was something to do with cortisol levels.

Does anyone know if this is true, or have any links to studies please?


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Exercise to your heart’s content. Do not worry about it being too much. As long as you are netting enough calories after your caloric burn is factored in then it does not matter at all.

    Unless of course you have a medical condition limiting activity levels.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Check out the articles on Lyle McDonald's website for some good explanations.

    Remember that recovery is important, and you must be eating enough to fuel your workouts. For me personally, I feel fatigued and cranky after about 50-60 minutes per day, and I never work the same muscle groups in the weight room on consecutive days.
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    While this might just sound like semantics, it's not: There's not really such a thing as "too much exercise" but there is such a thing as "not enough recovery."

    If your body is so tired from the last workout that you cannot complete the next one as scheduled, then you did not allow enough time to recover from the first workout.

    As with most things, "best" will depend on your personal goals.

    Duration is also tied to intensity. If you go really easy, you will need to go longer to burn the same number of calories that you would if you went harder.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    While this might just sound like semantics, it's not: There's not really such a thing as "too much exercise" but there is such a thing as "not enough recovery."

    If your body is so tired from the last workout that you cannot complete the next one as scheduled, then you did not allow enough time to recover from the first workout.

    As with most things, "best" will depend on your personal goals.

    Duration is also tied to intensity. If you go really easy, you will need to go longer to burn the same number of calories that you would if you went harder.

    very well this one over and over OP.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone, some food for thought there :)