My "runs" turn into walks when I think people are watching?



  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    The opposite problem of the OP: When I am running and I feel that I want to take a breather (typically I am out of breath), if I see another runner/walker/car coming in my direction I will keep going until I have passed them before I slow down...This can be quite a long time if my path is busy...
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I recently completed C25K and when I first started running I was a bit conscious that people were looking at me, especially if I passed a direct neighbour of mine but after a few weeks, I started to feel more comfortable. I'd just consider the progress I'd made from a fast walk to running past the onlookers and thinking they're probably impressed with my efforts. Now I don't care what people think. I've ran past one neighbour nearly every run I've done, as they stand outside their house smoking! All I think is "he's probably thinking he should give up and try a bit of exercise too". It might make him consider it at least. I've had car drivers stop to let me cross a road too, I just wave at them to acknowledge my thanks.

    You've received a lot of advice already and I hope you're feeling a tad more confident.