New here - cycling, working out and eating healthier.

I need to lose 20lbs. I've worked with nutritionists in the past. I'm male, 5'8", and was 215 at my heaviest. I'm now mid 170's. My lowest was 163. I feel as though I should be around 155-160.

I'm using Myfitnesspal along with two apps - Bodymedia FIT and iBiker from Digitfit. It might be overkill but at least I get a better sense of how many calories I'm burning. The Bodymedia FIT device has a built in step counter which is helpful. I'm not sure how accurate the other metrics are but when I monitor them and of course my calorie intake I do lose weight.

I'm currently on weightlifting restrictions because I had a spinal fusion (7-level + vertebrae removal) back in October. Currently, I can only lift 35 lbs. Some bending and twisting movements are uncomfortable and I really shouldn't be doing any serious twisting around anyway.

My fitness routine includes aqua-kinetics (resistance training in the pool) and quite a bit of cycling on my indoor trainer. Since I can't ride outdoors I spend about 9 hours a week on the trainer. I had my Vo2 max tested a while back so I know my target heart rates. My favorite routine is about 1:45 and I'm at 75-80% of max for most of the workout. One issue is glycogen depletion. If I don't take in enough calories I'll bonk. At the same time I need to monitor how many I take in because I do need to lose about 20lbs. There's a fine balance here, I guess. Maltodextrin seems to help so I take a supplement while I'm working out. I also do a lower intensity workout where I'm at 65-70% for the entire 2+ hour workout. These workouts are boring as can be.

Now I just need to stay committed to my routine and over the next few months I should reach my goals. If anyone wants to add me as a friend just let me know.