30 Day Shred - New Bodys by May

I am starting the 30 Day Shred today or tomorrow & saw on another thread where numerous other people were starting also. Thought I'd start this thread for everyone starting or wanting to start could post & get support. Anyone interested?? Don't have the video, you can do it off of You Tube for free. Moving this to the 30 Day Shred Board.


  • 321letsjam
    I'd love to join you! I've started the 30 Day Shred on and off again for years now (never made it to the second level) and I'd really love to stick with it this time. I'm new on this site and I'd really love to have some motivation and camaraderie. Can't wait for results!
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Great idea! :)
  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Started today and hope to be able to walk tomorrow morning :-) Would like to join you.
  • marisssa13
    Thinking about starting this because I heard so many good stories. But I hate cardio and I started a few days ago Weight loss yoga (Bob Harper), so I sweating there too... I don't know. I get bored really quick, so I might turn to Jillian. IDK.
  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    It's a quick, intense and not boring workout.