Philly fit Crew's First event!

Hi Good morning!

So i'm sure you have been wondering when I was going to get around to getting this fitness group together and I do appologize for the delay. However, I am starting to round up the troops and get the show on the raod. So here is the scoop for our first event of 2013!

Our first meet-up as a group will be April 6th, 2013 @ 10:30 AM Sharp ETS.
Location: Philadelphia Art Museum
( Specifically on the front steps outside of the museum)

-We will be starting with a warm-up walk/jog, then stretch to prevent injuries.
-LAPS are this events main focus, meaning up and down the stairs as fast as possible and as many as possible in the alloted amount of time.
-End with a cool down and stretch.

During this activity we will encourage and cheer on those who are doing well AS WELL as those who need that extra push and motivation. This is not a fintess test and no one will be there to judge. We will simply gather to get an extremely effective and heart pumping workout as well as meet others in the area who are also looking for fitness Buddies and motivational encouragement! Feel free to tell your co-workers, friends, family, random people on the street ;) because the more the merrier!

Please RSVP to this event so that I can keep track of who will and will not be showing up.
You can RSVP to any of these contacts with simply an "i'm coming" followed by your first name. If you want to leave any additional contact info that would be great! If you can't make it to this event let me in on what other times and days are good for you and possibly others you know of. If you rather workout after work let me know, if you rather workout later in the day rather than at the crack of dawn, give me a shout and we will make it work for everyone.

Please feel free to ask any questions and submit ANY and ALL ideas you may have for the group and you can reach me at anyone of these locations;
Instagram: ThisNewFitGirl
MFP: ThisNewFitGirl (message me or post on my wall)

Philly Fit Crew Facebook Page coming soon! Whoa, Look out!


  • ThisNewFitGirl
    ThisNewFitGirl Posts: 81 Member
    The Philly Fit Crew's Facebook page is up and running! Hooray!

    Go check it out now and let me know what you think :)

    or just search Philly Fit Crew

    Have good night Ya'll and thanks for the support