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  • AllOfTheStars77
    AllOfTheStars77 Posts: 25 Member
    thanks margottsponer, I will give ya and add. and thanks for the comment
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Wow. Divorce, cancer, missing a chunk of your knee. If anyone has an excuse, it may be you. But don't use it. That's the easy way. Anyone can do easy. Kill it girl.

    This reminds me of something someone said to me was I was just starting out. "If you want it and are ready for it, you will find a way to make it happen, until then you find excuses. Do you want it? Are you ready?" Could apply to almost any aspect of life, for me it was weight loss.
  • TMarie8532
    Hello Carrie, my name is Tina. Seems like you have a support system all ready. And I am one of them. Good luck to you.:wink:
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Hi Carrie, I also just joined. You are so young to have gone through so much. I understand some of your pain with 20 surgeries under my belt and 7 of them knee. I had bilateral knee surgery 4 years ago. If your health insurance covers physical therapy you may want to consult one to guide you through your knee pain and knee restrictions. There is relief. I know you can do it with support from your friends at MFP. You may want to start off first thing in the morning with positive afformation: Look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I am a geat mother, I am a fantastic spouse, I am a magnificient surivor." This helps put sunshine in your step no matter what the weather is. I would love your support also as we are both neophites to this site. You can do it girl!

  • AllOfTheStars77
    AllOfTheStars77 Posts: 25 Member
    WOW!! Tea,
    20 surgeries I can't even imagine. I know that the saying if you and your friends get in a circle and throw your problems in the center that each individual would pick up their own bags again because they wouldn't know how to handle someone elses. I believe this to be true, I know my life situations aren't the worst out there, but have seemed to be very difficult for me to handle. I am blessed to have found so many new and inspiring people here on this site. I would love to be your friend and hopefully can inspire you along your path as well.

    Your Newest Journey Friend
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Fantastic, you just put a smile on my face. I will be here for you but to let you know I'm not on the computer every day. Don't worry about throwing things into a circle, they always find their orginal owner, who knows just how to handle them. I only have 180 calories left for today. What do you think, dinner will certainly send me over 1460 cal. So easy. Have a great day!

  • mountaingirl2207
    Hi Carrie, I'm Carrie too.

    I'm currently going through marriage issues, raising three kids on my own, yada yada, yada.... but instead of letting it make me sink deeper into my couch, I have decided to use it as a motivator to get things right. I started making a change in my eating and exercise habits on February 4. Since then I have lost 17 lbs, 5 inches off my waist and 4 off my hips. I believe in go big or go home. Ronnie is right, kill it.
  • Staysee7
    Staysee7 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Carrie,

    I'm fairly new to MFP too, this is my first post. I also went through a mind numbing divorce and have 3 kids. I also met a wonderful man and we've been happily married almost 5 years. I used to be a personal trainer and physical therapy tech in my former life (1st marriage and single mom) now I'm a stay at home mom. The past year has been really hard, as I've found out that I have the spine of a 70 year old due to lots of car accidents in my teens. I'm sure lifting the ridiculously heavy weight in the workouts I used to do didn't help either. So now I've had to rearrange my thinking and approach to my personal fitness....but my body is in non compliance. I have never been overweight in my life, hence my diligence to logging on MFP now. I'm trying, but feeling discouraged. Here's hoping we get to rebirth the slim, fit ladies that we're meant to be! :)

  • AllOfTheStars77
    AllOfTheStars77 Posts: 25 Member
    Well Carrie, lol kind of weird saying my name and with it spelt the same I haven't met a carrie yet that has it spelt the same. I used to believe in go big or go home guess I lost my umff....in life a bit. But, here I am the start of day three and feeling a bit better about things. Everyone so far has been so inspiring and helpful. It is my pleasure to meet you. and congrats on the weight loss you sure are going BIG!!!!
  • AllOfTheStars77
    AllOfTheStars77 Posts: 25 Member
    Stacie, stay strong we will work this out together. I am sure having a spine issue isn't easy to hear or know. I will be here to help anyway I can. Thanks for the nice words and uplifting comments. I am sure we will learn to be stronger and get back to those women who were.